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Magny, M., Galop, D., Bellintani, P., Desmet, M., Didier, J., Haas, J.N., Martinelli, N., Pedrotti, A., Scandolari, R., Stock, A., Variennère, B. , "Late-Holocene climatic variability south of the Alps as recorded by lake-level fluctations at Lake Ledro, Trentino, Italy.", The Holocene, vol. 19, issue 4, pp. 575-589, 2009  .
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Magny, M., Galop, D., Bellintani, P., Desmet, M., Didier, J., Haas, J.N., Martinelli, N., Pedrotti, A., Scandolari, R., Stock, A., Vannière, B. [eds.], Late Holocene climatic changes south of the Alps as recorded by lake-level fluctuations at Lake Ledro (Trentino, Italy) and their possible significance for Bronze age lake-dwellings, , 2009  .
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Magny, M. , "Holocene climate variability as reflected by mid-European lake-level fluctuations and its probable impact on prehistoric human settlements", Quaternary International, vol. 113: Elsevier Ltd and INQUA, pp. 65-79, 2004  .
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Arbogast, M., Magny, M., Pétrequin, P. , "Climat, cultures céréalières et densité de population au Néolithique: le cas des lacs du Jura français de 3500 à 2500 av. J.C..", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 26, pp. 121–144, 1996  .
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Jacomet, S., Magny, M., Burga, C.A. , "Klima- und Seespiegelschwankungen im Verlauf des Neolithikums und ihre Auswirkung auf die Besiedlung der Seeufer", Neolithikum, Basel, pp. 53–58, 1995  .
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Magny, M., Schifferdecker, F. , Essai sur l' occupation du sol au Néolithique: le groupe de Luscherz, , Paris, pp. 17-25, 1977  .
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