I nuovi scavi all'Isolino di Varese (1977-1986)

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Sibrium, Centro di studi preistorici e archeologici - Varese, Musei Civici di Villa Mirabello, Volume XXI, pp.9-64 (1992)


Stratigrafia; Isolino di Varese; scavi 1977-1986; ceramica; analisi paleoambientale


New data on the stratigraphy of Isolino di Varese (Lombardia), northern Italy. Recent research carried out at Isolino di Varese led to the discovery of a well-defined stratigraphical sequence from the beginning of the local facies of the Square Mouth Pottery Culture up to the Bronze Age. The Square Mouth Pottery people settled on a wooden platform. The site was later inhabited by Chassey Culture community, while a strong demographic increase is clearly documented in the more recent Lagozza Culture levels. The Square Mouth vessels decrease in number from the wooden platform layer upwards. Copper Age potsherds make their appearance at the end of the Lagozza horizon. The uppermost levels are characterised by late and final Bronze Age assemblages including perhaps a cremation cemetery.