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Beer, J., Giertz, V., Moll, M. , The contribution of the Swiss Lake-Dwelling to the calibration of Radiocarbon Dates., , Los Angeles, Univ California, 1976  .
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Gallay, A. , "The position of the Bell-Beaker civilization in the chronological sequence of Petit-Chasseur (Sion, Valais, Switzerland).", Glockenbecher Symposion Oberried 1974, Bussum/Haarlem, pp. 279-306, 1976  .
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Burga, C.A. , "Swiss alpine palaeoclimate during the Holocene: pollen analytical evidence and general features.", Solifluction and climatic variation in the Holocene, Stuttgart, pp. 11–21, 1993  .
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Maurer, H., Neuenschwander, H., Huber, A. [eds.], Schweizerische Kunstführer, , Berna, 1988  .
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Burga, C.A. , "Swiss vegetation history during the last 18.000 years.", New Phytol., vol. 110, pp. 581–602, 1988  .
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Winiger, W. , "Sinn und Unsinn der Typologie", Helvetia Archaeologica, vol. 71 / 72, Zurigo, Schwab, pp. 119 - 147, 1987  .
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Kaenel, G., Curdy, P., Zwahlen, H. , "Saint-Triphon, Le Lessus (Ollon, Vaud) du Néolithique à l'époque romaine", Cahiers d'Archéologie Romande, vol. 30, Lausanne, Bibliothèque historique valdoise, 1984  .
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Zindel, C., Defuns, A. , "Spuren von Pflugackerbau aus der Jungsteinzeit in Graubünden", Helvetia Archaeologica Zürich , vol. 11, issue 42, no. 42, pp. 42-45, 1980  . Abstract
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Wüthrich, L. , Schweizerisches Landesmuseum Zürich. 78. Jahresbericht 1969, , vol. 78, Zurigo, Verlag des Schweizerischen Landesmuseum, 1969  .
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Scheneider, J. , Schweizerisches Landesmuseum Zürich. 74. Jahresbericht 1965, , vol. 74, Zurigo, Verlag des Schweizerischen Landesmuseum, 1966  .
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Baserga, G. , "Scoperte archeologiche nel Canton Ticino a Prato Carasso, Giubiasco, Dongio, Osco.", Riv. Arch. Ant. Prov. Dioc. Como, vol. 92-93, pp. 32-45, 1927  .
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Keller, F. , "Statistik der römischen Ansiedelungen in der Ostschweiz", Mitteilungen der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft Zürich, vol. Band 15, Heft 3, Zürich, 1864  .
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Egli, M., Mirabella, A., Sartori, G. , "Rate and conditions for smectite formation in soil developed from granitic parent material in three alpine areas in Switzerland and Italy", Deutschen Ton und Tonmineralgruppe e. V., vol. 7, pp. 55-66, 2000  .
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Kaenel, G. , "Recherches sur la période de La Tène en Suisse occidentale. Analyse des sépultures", Cahier d'Archéologie Romande 50, Lausanne, 1990  .
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Gallay, A., Corboud, P. , "Quarante ans de recherches néolithiques en Valais.", Archaeologie der Schweiz, vol. 6, issue 2, pp. 35-39, 1983  .
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Gallay, A., Corboud, P. , "Quarante ans de recherches néolithiques en Valais.", Archaologie suisse, vol. 6, issue 2, pp. 35-40, 1983  .
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Gallay, A., Corboud, P. , "Quarante ans de recherches néolithiques en Valais.", Archäologie der Schweiz, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 35-40, 1983  .
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Lanzinger, M. , "Preistoria Alpina", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 47: Museo delle Scienze, 02/2014.
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Arnold, B., Kaeser, M.A. , "Plateau de Bevaix 6, Bevaix/Treytel-À Sugiez : histoire d'un complexe mégalithique néolithique, témoins d'habitats du Campaniforme et du Bronze ancien, (Archéologie Neuchâteloise 47)", Plateau de Bevaix, vol. 6: Office et musée cantonal d'archéologie de Neuchâtel, pp. 376, 2011.
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Nielsen Ebbe H. , "Paläolithikum und Mesolithikum in der Zentralschweiz : Mensch und Umwelt zwischen 17'000 und 5500 v. Chr.", Archäologische Schriften Luzern , vol. 13: Luzern : Kantonaler Lehrmittelverlag, 2009  .
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Arnold, B., Honegger, M., Kaeser, M.A. , "Plateau de Bevaix, 3 : Bevaix/Le Bataillard : occupations terrestres en bordure de marais, (Archéologie neuchâteloise 41)", Plateau de Bevaix, vol. 3: Office et musée cantonal d'archéologie de Neuchâtel, pp. 320, 2008.
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Curdy, P. , "Prehistoric settlement in middle and high altitudes in the Upper Rhone Valley (Valais-Vaud, Switzerland): A summary of twenty years of research", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 42: Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 99-108, 2007  .
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AA.VV. , "Preistoria Alpina 42", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 42 (2007): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 1-207, 2007  .
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AA.VV. , "Preistoria Alpina 39", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 39 (2003): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 1-318, 2005  .
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Hügi, U. , "Prähistorische Ufersiedlungen und Verkehrswege an Zürich- und Obersee", Archäologie der Schweiz, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 16-29, 2004  .
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