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Trevisan, L., Tongiorgi, E. , "Storia del clima e dei paesaggi terrestri.", La terra: Utet, pp. 530-634, 1976  .
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Miskovsky, J. [eds.], Stratigraphie et paléoclimatologie du Quaternaire du Midi Méditerranéen, d'apres l'étude sédimentologique du remplissage des grottes et abris sous roche. (Ligurie, Provence, Bas-Languedoc, Roussilon, Catalogne)., , Parigi, 1970  .
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Dalmeri, G., Cusinato, A., Frisia, S., Hrozny Kompatscher, M., Kompatscher, K., Bassetti, M., Belli, R. , "The Paleolithic naturalistic art at the Dalmeri Rockshelter and climate variability.", Proceedings of the XV World Congress "Mountain environments in prehistoric Europe: settlement and mobility strategies from the Palaeolithic to the early Bronze Age", vol. 26, Lisbona, pp. 89-97, 4-9 settembre 2006.
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Gronenborn, D., Petrasch, J. , "The Spread of the Neolithic to Central Europe", Internationale Tagung. Die Neolothisierung Mitteleuropas, Mainz, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (RGZM), pp. 2-23, 24-26/06/2005.
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Orombelli, G., Ravazzi, C. , The late glacial and early holocene: chronology and paleoclimate, , vol. 9 (2), pp. 439-444, 1996  .
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Holtmeier, K. , "Timberlines as indicators of climatic changes: problems and research needs", Oscillations of the Alpine and Polar tree limits in the Holocene, Stuttgart, pp. 211–222, 1993  .
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Clark, G.A. , "The Asturian of Cantabria: Subsistence and the Evidence for Post-Pleistocene Climatic Shifts.", American Anthropologist, vol. 73, issue 5: American Antropological Association, pp. 1244-1257, 1971  .
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Frisia, S., Borsato, A., Richaards, D.A., Miorandi, R., Davanzo, S. , "Variazioni climatiche ed eventi sismici negli ultimi 4500 anni nel Trentino meridionale da una stalagmite della Cogola Grande di Giazzera ", Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali - Acta Geologica, vol. 82, pp. 205-223, 2005.
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Burga, C.A., Perret, R. , Vegetation und Klima der Schweiz seit dem jüngeren Eiszeitalter., , Thun, 1998  .
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Wick, L., Tinner, W. , "Vegetation Changes and Timberline Fluctations in the Alps as Indicators of Holocene Climatic Oscillations.", ., vol. 29, issue 4, pp. 445-458, 1997  .
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Veggiani, A. , "Variazioni climatiche e presenza umana sulla montagna tra Toscana e Marche dall'Alto Medioevo al XIX secolo", La montagna tra Toscana e Marche. ambiente, territorio, cultura, economia, società dal Medioevo al XIX secolo, Milano, pp. 25-39, 1985  .
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Frenzel, B. [eds.], Vegetationsgeschichte der Alpen. Studien zur Entwicklung von Klima und Vegetation im Postglazial., , Stuttgart, Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1971  .
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Egli, M., Mirabella, A., Mancabelli, A., Sartori, G. , "Weathering of soils in alpine areas as influenced by climate and parent material", Clays and Clay Minerals, vol. 52, pp. 287-303, 2004  .
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Egli, M., Mirabella, A., Sartori, G., Fitze, P. , "Weathering rates as a function of cilmate: results from a climosequence of the Val Genova (Trentino, Italian Alps)", Geoderma, vol. 111, pp. 99-121, 2003  .
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Furrer, G., Burga, C.A., Gamper, M., Holzhauser, H.P., Maisch, M. , "Zur Gletscher-, Vegetations- und Klimageschichte der Schweiz seit der Späteiszeit", Geographica Helvetica , vol. 42, pp. 61–91, 1987  .
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