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Bartolomei, G., Broglio, A., Palma di Cesnola, A. , "Chronostratigraphie et ecologie de l'Epigravettien en Italie.", La fin des temps glaciaires en Europe-Chronostratigraphie et écologie des cultures du Palèolithique final, vol. 271, Talence, 1977  .
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Peroni, R. , Considerazioni preliminari sull'insegnamento della preistoria, , vol. 7, Modena, Cooptip, pp. 399-405, 1975  .
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Labeyrue, J., Lalou, C. [eds.], "datations absolues et analyses isotopiques en préhistoir, méthodes et limites", IX Congrès de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Nice, imprimerie Louis-Jean, 13/09/1976.
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D. Balout, H. Lumley [eds.], "datations absolues et analyses isotopiques en préhistoir, méthodes et limites", IX Congrès de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Nice, imprimerie Louis-Jean, 13/09/1976.
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Patzelt, G. , "Datierung von Feuerstellen in prähistorischen Hirtenhütten im Waldgrenzbereich ostalpiner Gebirgsgruppen", Praearchos, vol. 4, Innsbruck, Golf-Verlag, 2013  .
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Forenbaher, S., Kaiser, T., Miracle P.T. , "Dating the East Adriatic Neolithic", European Journal of Archaeology, vol. 16: Cambridge University Press, pp. 589-609, 2013  .
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Fedele, F. , "Diffusione della trazione animale in Europa: il ruolo informativo e ideologico delle raffigurazioni rupestri centroalpine", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 46, issue II: Trento: Museo delle Scienze, pp. 55-66, 2012  .
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Agnesi, V., Di Maggio, C., Malcuso, T. , "Deformazioni gravitative profonde e superficiali nella penisola di Capo S.Vito (Sicilia Occidentale)", Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana, vol. 50, Palermo, pp. 11-21, 1995  .
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Cazzella, A. , "Dating the "Copper Age" in the Italian Peninsula and adjacent island", Journal of European Archaeology, vol. 2, Birmingham, pp. 1-19, 1994  .
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Janosa, M. , "Die "Bergeller Pforte" bei Promontogno - Geschichte einer Talsperre", Archäologie in Graubünden. Funde und Befunde, Chur, pp. 155-161, 1992  .
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Dannheimer, H. [eds.], Die Bajuwaren. Von Severin bis Tassilo 488-788., , Rosenheim/Bayern, Mattsee/Salzburg, 1988  .
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Corona, E., Cortesi, C., Improta, S., Follieri, M., Uzielli, L. [eds.], "Dendrocronologia: principi e applicazioni.", Dendrocronologia: Principi e Applicazioni, Verona, 14/11/1984.
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Eggers, H.J. , "Die absolute datierung der Saone-Rhone-Kultur und der Bronzezeit in der Westschweiz", Dendrochronologia, vol. 1, pp. 37-44, 1983  .
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Krüger, B. , Die Germanen, Geschichte und Kultur der germanischen Stämme in Mitteleuropa, , vol. 1, Berlin, Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1983  .
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Preuss, J. , Die altmärkische gruppe der tiefstichekeramik, , 1, Halle, Veröffentlichungen Landesamtes Sachsen-Anhalt, 1980  .
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Bietti Sestieri, A.M. , "Due scuri a occhio di bronzo della grotta " La Zinzulusa" (Terra d'Otranto)", Quaternaria X , pp. 199-219, 1968  . Abstract
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Gianotti, M., Martignoni, M., Filippi, F., Colonetti, A., Baldessari, P., Cattani, E., Zampedri, G., Crivellari, F., Filz, C., Agnoli, G., Fedrizzi, F., Milani, P. , Economia trentina. Dossier Pietra, , vol. 03-apr, Tento, Publistampa Arti Grafiche, pp. 222, 2004  .
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Gatto, M.C. , "Early Neolithic Pottery of the Nabta-Kiseiba Area: Stylistic Attributes and Regional Relationships", The Pottery of Nabta Playa, vol. 2: Kluwer Academic Publisher & Plenum Publishers, pp. 65-115, 2002  .
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Röber, R. , Einbaum Lastensegler Dampfschiff. Frühe Schifffahrt in Südwestdeutschland, , vol. ALManach 5/6: Theiss, 2000  .
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Weiner, J. , "European Pre - and Protohistoric Tar and Pitch: A Contribution to the History of Research 1720 - 1999", Acta Archaeometrica, vol. 1, Coburgo, Libavius Verlag Coburg, pp. 1 - 109, 1999  .
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Fano Martínez, M.A. , "El Habitat Mesolitico en el Cantabrico Occidental: Transformaciones Ambientales y Medio Fisico durante el Holoceno Antiguo", Journal of Anthropological Research, vol. 55, issue 4: University of New Mexico, pp. 620-621, 1999  .
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Baillie, M.G.L. , "Extreme environmental events and the linking of the tree-ring and ice-core records.", Tree Rings, Environment and Humanity, pp. 703–711, 1996  .
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AA.VV. , "Erste Ergebnisse der Auswertung der vegetabilischen Reste vom Hauslabjochfund", Der Mann im Eis, vol. 1, Innsbruck, Università di Innsbruck, pp. 307-312, 1992  .
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Makkay, J. , Early stamp seals in South-East Europe, , Budapest, Akadèmiai Kiadò, 1984  .
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