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Gleirscher, P., Oberrauch, H. , In dono agli dei. Culti al tempo di Otzi., , pp. 47, 2002  .
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Vahlkampf, G. , "Urzeitliche Siedlungsspuren am Rabenstein bei Lavamünd in Kärnten. Ein Beitrag zum jüngeren Neolithikum in Kärnten", Verlag des Geschichtsvereines für Kärnten: Verlag des Geschichtvereins Kärnten, pp. 240, 1995  .
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Carancini, G.L. , Prahistorische Bronzefunde. Le asce nell'Italia continentale II, , vol. Abteilung IX, Band 12: Verlag C.H. Beck, 1984  .
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Patay P. , Prahistorische Bronzefunde. Kupferzeitliche Meissel, Beile und Axte in Ungarn, , vol. Abteilung IX, Band 15: Verlag C.H. Beck, 1984  .
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Weisgerber, G., Slotta, R., Weiner, J. , 5000 Jahre Feuersteinbergbau. Die Suche nach dem Stahl der Steinzeit, , Bochum, Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum, 1980  .
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Fabrizio, P. , Guida agli scavi archeologici Velia. Marina di Ascea., , Salerno, Collezione d'Arte Matonti, 1978  .
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Novotnà M. , Prahistorische Bronzefunde. Die Axte und Beile in der Slowakei, , vol. Abteilung IX, Band 3: Verlag C.H. Beck, 1970  .
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Arisi, F. , Il Museo Civico di Piacenza, , Piacenza, Edizioni del Museo Civico, pp. 398, 1960  .
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Book Chapter
Marzatico, F. , I materiali preromani della Valle dell'Adige., , vol. 1, Trento, pp. 293-301, 1997  .
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Carancini, G.L. , "La produzione metallurgica delle terramare nel quadro dell'Italia protostorica", Le Terramare. La più antica civiltà padana, Milano, Electa, pp. 375-389, 1997  .
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Carancini, G.L. , "Primi sviluppi della metallurgia nell'area medio-tirrenica nel quadro della Protostoria peninsulare.", Vulcano a Mezzano. Insediamento e produzioni artigianali nella media valle del Fiora nell'età del Bronzo, Valentano, pp. 125-150, 1993  .
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Journal Article
Petrequin, P., Petrequin, A.M., Errera, M., Cassen, S., Croutsch, C., Klassen, L., Rossy, M., Garibaldi, P., Isetti, E., Rossi, G., Delcaro, D. , "Beigua, Monviso e Valais. All’origine delle grandi asce levigate di origine alpina in Europa occidentale durante il V millennio", Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, vol. LV, pp. 265-322, 2005  .
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D'Amico, C. , "Neolithic “Greenstone” Axe Blades from Northeastern Italy Across Europe: A First Petrographic Comparison", Archaeometry, vol. 47, pp. 235-252, 2005  .
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D’Amico, C. , "Polished stone between the Neolithic and Bronze Ages in Northern Italy", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 34 (1998), Trento, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 297-305, 1998.
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Thirault, E. , "Production, diffusion et usage des haches néolithiques dans les Alpes occidentales et le bassin du Rhone.", Bullettin de la Société Préhistorique Francaise, vol. 98, issue 4, pp. 737-742, 2001  .
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Thirault, E. , "State of knowledges of the petrography and the diffusion ways of the metamorphic rocks used for the axe blades during the Neolithic in the Rhone basin and the Western Alpes.", Slovak Geol. Mag., vol. 7, issue 4, Bratislava, pp. 329-336, 2001  .
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Thirault, E. , "The neolithic axe workshops of eclogites and Jadeites in the french Alpsi and and their role in the network of exchanges in the Rhone basin.", Slovak Geol. Mag., vol. 7, issue 4, Bratislava, pp. 416-419, 2001  .
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Oberrauch, H. , "Ein Depotfund von vier Kupferäxten am Pigloner Kopf (Südtirol).", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 30, issue 4, pp. 481-498, 2000  .
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Petrequin, P., Croutsch, C., Cassen, S. , "A propos du depot de La Begude: haches alpines et haches carnaceennes pendant le V millenaire", Bulletin de la Societe Prehistorique Francaise, vol. 95, issue 2, pp. 239-252, 1998  .
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Pétrequin, P., Cassen, S., Croutsch, C., Weller, O. , "Haches alpines et haches carnacéennes dans l'Europe du V millénaire", Notae Praehistoricae, vol. 17, pp. 135-150, 1997  .
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Pétrequin, P., Cassen, S., Croutsch, C., Weller, O. , "Haches alpines et haches carnacéennes dans l'Europe du V millénaire", Notae Praehistoricae, vol. 17, pp. 135-150, 1997  .
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Pétrequin, P., Jeudy, F., Jeunesse, C. , "Minières néolitiques, échanges de haches et contrôle social du sud Vosgien à la Bourgogne", N.D., pp. 449-476, 1996  .
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Vuaillat, D., Santallier, D., Ploquin, A., Floc'H , P. , "Les haches neolithiques limousines etude geochmique des materiaux meta-doleritiques consequences archeologiques et geologiques", n.d., vol. 19, pp. 63-78, 1995  .
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Starkel, L. , "Regularities of mountain geoecosystems", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 28/1 (1992): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 11-18, 1995  .
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D'Amico, C., Felice, G., Ghedini, M. , "Lithic supplies in the early neolithic to Sammardenchia (Friuli), Northern Italy.", Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage, vol. 1, Bologna, pp. 159 - 176, 1992  .
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