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Valzolgher, E., Quarta, G. , "Date radiocarboniche AMS del Riparo di Peri (Dolcé, Verona). Commento e analisi bayesiana", Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, vol. 33, 2009  .
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Timothy Jull, A.J. [eds.], Radiocarbon. An international Journal of Cosmogenic Isotope Research., , vol. 48, USA, The university pf Arizona, pp. 305-523, 2006  .
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Suess, H.E. , Bristlecone-pine calibration of the radiocarbon time-scale 5200 B.C. to the present., , pp. 303-311, 1989  .
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Skeates, R., Whitehouse, R.D. , "Radiocarbon Dating and Italian Prehistory ", Archaeological Monograph of the British School at Rome, vol. 8: London, 1994  .
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Skeates, R., Whitehouse, R. , Radiocarbon Dating and Italian Prehistory, , London, British School at Rome, pp. 288, 1994  .
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Renfrew, C. , "Prospettive: verso una nuova preistoria. Appendice: La datazione al radiocarbonio.", L'Europa della preistoria: Laterza, 1996  .
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Ralph, E.K., Michael, H.N., Han, M.C. , Radiocarbon dates and reality, , vol. vol. 9, n° 1, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, pp. 43831, 1973  .
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Pearce, M. , "The radiocarbon chronology for the spread of the Neolithic in the Po valley", Rethinking the North Italian Early Neolithic, Specialist Studies on Italy, London, Accordia Research Institute, pp. 159-196 (incompleto), 2013  .
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Passariello, I., Talamo, P., D’Onofrio, A., Barta, P., Lubritto, C., Terrasi, F , "Contribution of Radiocarbon Dating to the Chronology of Eneolithic in Campania (Italy)", Geochronometria, vol. 35: De Gruyter, pp. 25-33, 2010  .
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Ottaway, B.S. , "Neue radiocarbondaten altheimer und chamer siedlunsplätze in Niederbayern", Archäologisches Korrespondenblatt, vol. 16, pp. 141-147, 1986  .
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Nuestupny, E. , "A new Epoch in Radiocarbon Dating", Antiquity, vol. XLIV, pp. 38-45, 1970  .
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Niklaus, T.R. , Seminar Über RADIOCARBON DATIERUNG 17-19 ottobre 1994, , Innsbruck, 1994  .
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Mannino, M.A., Thomas, K.D. , "Dati preliminari sui reperti di malacofauna", XIL Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, San Cipiriello (PA), 16/11/2006.
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Magnani, G., Bartolomei, P., Cavulli, F., Esposito, M., Marino, E.C., Neri, M., Rizzo, A., Scaruffi, S. , "U-series and radiocarbon dates in mollusc schells from the uppermost layer of the archaeological site of KHB-1 Ra's al Khabbah, Oman", Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 34, pp. 749-755, 2006  .
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Labeyrue, J., Lalou, C. [eds.], "datations absolues et analyses isotopiques en préhistoir, méthodes et limites", IX Congrès de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Nice, imprimerie Louis-Jean, 13/09/1976.
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Gronenborn, D., Petrasch, J. , "The Spread of the Neolithic to Central Europe", Internationale Tagung. Die Neolothisierung Mitteleuropas, Mainz, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (RGZM), pp. 2-23, 24-26/06/2005.
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Grimaldi, S. , "Radiocarbon dating of the early Mesolithic Colbricon site (north-eastern Italian Alps)", Journal of Anthropological Sciences, vol. 84, pp. 137-145, 2006  .
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Goldstein Lynne , "American Antiquity", American Antiquity, vol. 62- 3: SAA Society for American Archaelogy, pp. 582, 1997.
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Gillespie, R. , Radiocarbon User's Handbook, , vol. Monograph Number 3, Oxford, Oxford University, Committee for Archaeology, 1984  .
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Fuganti, A., Bazzoli, G., Morteani, G. , "The Quaternary evolution of the Adige Valley near the city of Trento (N Italy) as deduced from wells and radiocarbon dating. Preliminary results.", Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali - Acta Geologica, vol. 73: Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali, pp. 93-97, 1998  .
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Fredella, C., Salzani, P. [eds.], "Le datazioni radiocarboniche nel quadro della cronologia tradizionale e rialzista della tarda età del bronzo egea", Corso di Protostoria Egea, Milano, Università degli Studi di Milano, pp. 62, 1999/2000  .
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Felber-Ruttkay, E. , "Zur Eichnung der Radiokohlenstoffdaten", Mitt. Anthrop. Ges. Wien, vol. 113, Wien, pp. 73-78, 1983  .
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Felber, H., Ruttkay, E. , "Absolutchronologie des Neolithikums in Österreich", Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien (MAGW), vol. 113, Vienna, Magw, pp. 73-78, 1983  .
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D. Balout, H. Lumley [eds.], "datations absolues et analyses isotopiques en préhistoir, méthodes et limites", IX Congrès de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Nice, imprimerie Louis-Jean, 13/09/1976.
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Curt Beck, W. , Arcaeometric Clearinghouse XXIII Radiocarbon Dating and the Trondheim Conference, , vol. 14, n°3, pp. 373-375, 1987  .
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