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Conference Paper
Bagnasco Gianni, G., Cordano, F. , "Scritture mediterranee tra il IX e il VII secolo a.C.", Scritture mediterranee tra il IX e il VII secolo a.C., Milano, 1999  .
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Belardelli, C., Neugebauer, J-W., Novotná, M., Novotny, B., Pare, C., Peroni, R. , "The Bronze Age in Europe and in the Mediterranean", XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 11, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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Skeates, R. , Animate objects : a biography of prehistoric "axe - amulets" in the central Mediterranean region., , vol. 61, pp. 279-301, 1995  .
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Tiné, S. , "Longue durée et innovation dans le monde méditerranéen. Sociétes agricoles et thechniques agraires.", Actes Du Colloque De Nice, pp. 20-27, 26/11/1981.
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Journal Article
Carancini, G.L. , "Aspetti dell'iconografia delle statue-stele e dei massi incisi in Europa tra Eneolitico ed antica età del bronzo - Confronti e convergenze con altre fonti archeologiche nell'ambito del bacino del Mediterraneo", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 46, issue II: Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali, pp. 271-281, 2012  .
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Denaire, A., Doppler, T., Nicod, P., Van Willigen, S. , "Espaces Culturels, Frontières et Interactions au 5ème Millénaire entre la Plaine du Rhin Supérieur et les Rivages de la Méditerranée", Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz, vol. 94, pp. 21-59, 2011  .
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Costantini, L. , "All’origine delle colture cerealicole del Mediterraneo", Origini, pp. 141-163, 2002  .
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Acovitsioti-Hameau, A. , "Constructions en pierre sèche en Mediterranée: pour une reconversion en souplesse", Bulletin de l'Associaction des Géographes Français, vol. 79, pp. 332-343, 2002  .
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Fugazzola Delpino, M.A., Pessina, A., Tinè, V. , "Le ceramiche impresse nel Neolitico antico. Italia e Mediterraneo", Studi di Paletnologia, vol. I: Roma, 2002  .
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Cataldo, L. , "La tomba di Casal Sabini e i rinvenimenti funerari tra Eneolitico ed Età del Bronzo nel territorio di Altamura (Bari): le facies culturali indigene e i contatti transadriatici e con il Mediterraneo orientale", Origini. Preistoria e Protostoria delle civiltà antiche, vol. XX, Roma, Bonsignori Editore, pp. 109-165, 1996  .
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D'Arragon, B. , "Presenza di elementi cultuali sui monumenti dolmenici del Mediterraneo centrale.", Rivista di Scienze preistoriche, vol. XLVI, issue 1, Firenze, pp. 43-84, 1994  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "Vasi campaniformi nel Mediterraneo centrale: problemi attuali", undefined, Palermo, Soc. siciliana per la storia patria, Istituto di archeologia- Facoltà di Lettere Palermo, pp. 439-460, 1994  .
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Bagolini, B. , "Contacts entre les courants Danubiens et mediterraneens en Italie du Nord.", Rubané et Cardial, E.R.A.U.L. , vol. 39, pp. 73-81, 1990  .
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Mello, E., Monna, D., Oddone, M. , "Discriminating sources of mediterranean marbles: a pattern recognition approach", Archaeometry, vol. 30, issue 1: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 102-108, 1988  .
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Schackleton, J., Van Andel, T.H., Runnels, C.N. , "Coastal Paleogeography of the Central and Western Mediterranean during the Last 125,000 Years and Its Archaeological Implications", Journal of Field Archaeology, vol. 11, pp. 307-314, 1984  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The Chalcolithic of Northern Italy in the context of third millenium Europe: questions of basic theory.", Interaction and acculturation in the Mediterranean, vol. 2, Amsterdam, Jan G.P. Best & Nanny M.W. de Vries, pp. 19-31, 1982  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The Chalcolithic of Northern Italy in the context of third millenium Europe: questions of basic theory.", Interaction and acculturation in the Mediterranean, vol. 2, Amsterdam, Jan G.P. Best & Nanny M.W. de Vries, pp. 19-31, 1982  .
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Camps, G. , "La place de la Corse dans la Préhistoire Méditerranéenne", Etudes corses, vol. 3, pp. 26, 1975  .
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Camps, G. , "A propos du Néolithique ancien de la Méditerrannée occidentale.", Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, vol. 68, pp. 48-50, 1971  .
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Guilaine, J., Calvet, A. , "Nouveaux points de chronologie absolue pour le Néolithique ancien de la Méditerranée occidentale", L' Anthropologie, vol. 74, issue 1-2, Paris, pp. 85-92, 1970  .
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Escalon De Fonton, M. , "Les séquences sédimento-climatiques du Midi Méditerranéen du Wurm a l' Holocène", Bull. Musée Anthrop. Préhist. Monaco, vol. 14, Monaco, 1969  .
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Escalon De Fonton, M., De Lumley, H. , "Quelques civilisations de la méditerranée septentrionale et leurs intercurrences. (Epipaléolithique, Leptolothique, Epileptolithique).", Soc. Préhist. Fran., pp. 379-392, 1955  .
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Book Chapter
Dolfini, A., Giardino, C. , "L’archeolometallurgia preistorica nel Mediterraneo centrale. Bilanci a programmi agli inizi del XXI secolo", Studi di Antichità 13, Galatina, Congedo Editore, pp. 141-174, 2016  .
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Malone, C. , "The Neolithic in Mediterranean Europe", The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 176-194, 2015  .
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Gutherz, X., Jallot, L., Bordreuil, M. , "Âge du cuivre et changements sociaux en Languedoc méditerranéen", Le premiere metallurgie en France et dans les pays limitrophes, vol. XXXVII, Parigi, Société préhistorique française, pp. 119-130, 2005  .
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