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Pechtl, J., Limmer, B. , "Transalpine Contacts and Italian Influences on Southern Bavarian Neolithic (6th-3rd Millenium BC)", Rivista Di Scienze Preistoriche, vol. 70: IIPP, pp. 125-134, 2020  .
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Natali, E., Forgia, V. , "The beginning of the Neolithic in Southern Italy and Sicily", Quaternary International, vol. 470, no. 470: Elsevier Limited, pp. 253-269, 20/03/2018.
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Starnini, E., Biagi, P., Mazzucco, N. , "The beginning of the Neolithic in the Po Plain (nortern Italy): Problems and perspectives", Quaternary Inernational, vol. 47, pp. 301-317, 03/2017.
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Negrino F., Fontana F., Moroni A., Riel Salvatore J. [eds.], "The Paleolithic and Mesolithic in Italy: new research and perspectives", Primo Incontro annuale di Preistoria e Protostoria - IIPP: Università degli Studi di Genova, 04/02/2016. Abstract
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Whitehouse, R.D., Wilkins, J.B. , "The archaeology of water", Accordia research papers, vol. 14, 2014/2015.
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Baioni, M., Poggiani Keller, R. , "Third millenium BC ritual and burial prectices in Lombardy", Around the Petit-chasseur site in Sion (Valais, Switzerland) and new approaches to the bell beaker colture: proceedings of the International Conference, Sion (Switzerland), Oxford: Archeopress Archeology, pp. 87-100, 27/10/2011.
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Tirabassi, I. , "Tana della Mussina, una caverna sepolcrale dell'età del Rame a Borzano di Albinea (RE)", L'età del Rame. La Pianura Padana e le Alpi al tempo di Ötzi, Brescia, pp. 423-430, 2013  .
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Marretta, A. , "The abstract mind. Valcamonica complex geometric compositions in the light of new discovers", Valcamonica Symposium - Art as a source of history. L'arte come sorgente di storia, 2013, Capo di Ponte (BS), Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, pp. 342-356, 2013  .
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Pearce, M. , "The radiocarbon chronology for the spread of the Neolithic in the Po valley", Rethinking the North Italian Early Neolithic, Specialist Studies on Italy, London, Accordia Research Institute, pp. 159-196 (incompleto), 2013  .
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Bernabò Brea, M., Maffi, M., Mazzieri, P., Salvadei, L. , "Testimonianze funerarie della gente dei Vasi a Bocca Quadrata in Emilia occidentale. Archeologia e antropologia", Rivista di scienze preistoriche, vol. LX: Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria, pp. 63-126, 2010  .
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Morter, J. , "The Neolithic Settlement at Capo Alfiere", The Chora of Croton, vol. 1, Stati Uniti d'America, University of Texas Press, pp. 1-143, 2010  .
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Robb, J. , The Early Mediterranean Village. Agency, Material Culture, and Social Change in Neolithic Italy, , U.S.A., Cambridge University Press, 2007  .
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Guidi, A. , "The archaeology of early state in Italy", Social Evolution & History, pp. 55-90, 2006  .
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Zanchi, A. , "The Deformational Mega-Structures of the Pianico-Sellere Basin: Which Evidence for their Origin?", The Quaternary of the Italian Alps, Milano, CNR, Istituto per la Dinamica dei Processi Ambientali, pp. 22-28, 14-15 sept. 2006.
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Barfield, L.H. , "The Reconstruction of the Neolithic House at Rivoli Veronese", Preistoria dell'Italia Settentrionale. Studi in ricordo di Bernardo Bagolini., Udine, pp. 187-191, 2006  .
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Peresani, M., Ziggiotti, Dalmeri, G. , "Truncations and pseudo-truncations in the Recent Epigravettian industries of North-Eastern Italy", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 38 (2002), Trento, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 67-88, 2002.
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Ammerman, A. J. , "The Circulation of Obsidian in Italy During the Neolithic Period", XXXV Riunione scientifica dell'Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Lipari, pp. 547-557, 2003  .
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Guilaine, J., Cremonesi, G. , "Torre Sabea: un établissement du Néolithique ancien en Salento", Collection de l'École Française de Rome, no. 315, Roma, École Française de Rome, 2003  .
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Marinval, P. , "Torre Sabea et la première agriculture en Méditerranée centrale", Torre Sabea: un établissement du Néolithique ancien en Salento, no. 315, Roma, École Française de Rome, pp. 316-324, 2003  .
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Crepaldi, F. , "Tecnologia e aspetti di tradizione chasseana in Italia", Il declino del mondo neolitico. Ricerche in Italia centro-settentrionale fra aspetti peninsulari, occidentali e nord-alpini, Pordenone, pp. 157-166, 05-07/04/2001.
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Ambrosi, F. , "Tracce dell'uomo preistorico nel Trentino in proposito dei limiti da assegnarsi alle stazioni lacustri in Italia.", Società Geografica Italiana, 3° Congresso Internazionale, vol. 2, Venezia, pp. 286-288, 2001  .
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Ferrari, A., Pessina, A., Steffè, G. , "The Early Neolithic of Central-Eastern Emilia and of Romagna", Preistoria Alpina, issue 34 (1998): Museo delle Scienze, pp. 253-262, 2001  .
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Forni, G. , "The characteristics of the Iron Age shares in the Adige Region, in the context of the Alpine range of Northern Italy", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 33 (1997), Trento, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 177-189, 1997.
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Skeates, R. , "The Social Dynamics of Enclosure in the Neolithic of the Tavoliere, South-east Italy", Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, vol. 13.2: Equinox Publishing Ltd, pp. 155-188, 2000  .
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Bevilacqua, R. , "Tecnologia dell’industria litica in pietra scheggiata del sito a ceramica lineare di Casa Querciolaia (LI)", Il primo popolamento olocenico dell’area corso-toscana, Pisa, pp. 231-238, 2000  .
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