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Bertemiles, F., Heyd, V. , "Définition et origine de l'age du bronze ancien en Europe centrale", 117° Congr. Nat. Soc. Hist. Scient., Clermont-Ferrand, pp. 13-36, 1992  .
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Eckstein, D., Wrobel, S. , "Dendrochronologie in Europa", Dendrochronologia, vol. 1, Verona, Archeonatura ed., pp. 44075, 1983  .
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Danov, C. [eds.], "Das mittelalterliche Bulgarien, Biyzanz, die Slawische Welt und Europa waehrend des Zeitraumes vom 7. bis zum 14. Jahrhundert", Das mittelalterliche Bulgarien, Biyzanz, die Slawische Welt und Europa waehrend des Zeitraumes vom 7. bis zum 14. Jahrhundert, vol. Jahrgang III, Band 1, Wien, Bulgarisches Forshunginstitut in Oesterreich, 09/10/1979.
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Zindel, C. , "Der Negauer Helm von Castiel/Carschlingg", Archäologie der Schweiz, vol. 2, issue 2, no. 2, pp. 94-96, 1979  . Abstract
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Karwiese, S. , Der Ager Aguntinus. Eine Bezirkskunde des Ältesten Osttirol, , Lienz, Curatorium pro Agunto, 1975  .
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Hockmann O. , Die menschengestaltige Figuralplastik der sudosteropaischen Jungesteinzeit und Steinkupferzeit, , vol. 1, no. 3-4 band, 1968  .
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Hockmann O. , Die menschengestaltige Figuralplastik der sudosteropaischen Jungesteinzeit und Steinkupferzeit, , vol. 2, no. 3-4 band, 1968  .
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Dreihaus, J. [eds.], Die Altheimar Gruppe und das Jungneolithikum in Mitteleuropa, , Mainz, 1960  .
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Flukiger, W. , "Die mittelsteinzeitliche Siedlung Rueteliacher", Jahb. SGU, B., vol. 40, 1949/1950  .
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Klusemann, K. , "Die Entwicklung der Eisengewinnung in Afrika und Europa", Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, Vienna, pp. 120-140, 1924  .
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Caletti, C.C. , "Çatalhöyük: la Frontiera dell’approccio Riflessivo di Ian Hodder", Acme - Annali della Facoltà di Studi Umanistici dell'Università degli Studi di Milano, vol. 68, issue 2: Milano University Press (online) / Ledizione (stampa), pp. 137-158, 2016  .
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Peroni, R. , "Culti, comunità tribali e gentilizie, caste guerriere e figure di eroi e principi nel secondo millennio in Italia tra Europa centrale ed Egeo", Guerrieri, Principi ed Eroi. Fra il Danubio e il Po. Dalla preistoria all'Alto Medioevo, Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio, pp. 161-173, 2004  .
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Krenn-Leeb, A., Neugebauer, J.W., Pedrotti, A. , "Current Questions of the Neolithic in Central Europe Editor's Preface.", Current Questions of the Neolithic in Central Europe, vol. 37 (2001), Trento, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 9-10, 2002  .
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Bartelheim, M., Heyd, V. , Cult after Burial: Patterns of Post-funeral Treatment in the Bronze and Iron ages of Central Europe, , Budapest, pp. 261-276, 2001  .
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Cavulli, F. , Celtic Europe. Does linguistic, archaeological, artistic and historical evidence correlate and allow a definition of "What is Celtic"?, , Birmingham, pp. 39295, 1996/1997  .
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AA.VV. [eds.], Congresso Internazionale. L'Età del Rame in Europa., , Viareggio 15-18 ottobre, 1987  .
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Bailloud, G. [eds.], Colloque XXI: la Néolithisation de l' Europe occidentale, , Nice, 1976  .
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Kozlowski, J.K. , Colloque XVI: l' Aurignacien en Europe., , Nice, 1976  .
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Joffroy, R. , "Colloque XXIX: Le passage du 1er au 2° age du fer en Europe.", IXe Congrès de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques., Nice, 1976  .
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Perrin, T., Manen, C., Valdeyron, N., Guilaine, J. , "Beyond the sea… The Neolithic transition in the southwest of France", Quaternary International, vol. 470: International Union for Quaternary Research, pp. 318-332, 26/05/2017.
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Bellaspiga, L. , "Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici", Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, vol. 40, 2015  .
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Kucera, M., Kunst, G.K. , "Bestial Mirrors. Using animals to construct human identities in medieval Europe animals as material culture in the Middel Ages 3", Viavias: Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, 03/2010.
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Petrequin, P., Petrequin, A.M., Errera, M., Cassen, S., Croutsch, C., Klassen, L., Rossy, M., Garibaldi, P., Isetti, E., Rossi, G., Delcaro, D. , "Beigua, Monviso e Valais. All’origine delle grandi asce levigate di origine alpina in Europa occidentale durante il V millennio", Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, vol. LV, pp. 265-322, 2005  .
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Anati, E. , "Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici", Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, vol. 31-32, 1999  .
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Ganzelewski, M., Slotta, R. [eds.], Bernstein. Tränen der Götter., , 1997  .
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