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Sidoli, C. , "Le cosiddette tavolette enigmatiche dell'età del Bronzo in Italia e nel loro contesto europeo.", Scuola di Specializzazione in archeologia, indirizzo Preistoria e Protostoria, Milano, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2001/2002  .
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Sherratt, A. , L'emergere di un'élite: il Bronzo antico in Europa, 2500-1300 a.C. (trad. Rapanà, M.), , 2005  .
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Shennan, S.J. , "Stanziamento e cambiamento sociale in Europa centrale, 3500-1500 a.C. (trad. Perini, S.)", Journal of World Prehistory, vol. 7, 1993  .
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Serangeli, J., Bolus, M. , "Europe during the Last Glaciation: Differences in perception North and South of the Alps. L'Europa durante l'Ultima Glaciazione: differenze nella percezione a nord e a sud delle Alpi", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 44: Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 9-15, 2009  .
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Semino, A. , Le grandi avventure dell'archeologia. I misteri delle civiltà scomparse., , vol. 5, Roma, Armando Curcio Editore, pp. 1545-1928, 1980  .
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Schwarzberg, H. , Durch menschliche Kunst und Gedanken gemacht: Studien zur anthropomorphen Gefäßkeramik des 7. bis 5. vorchristlichen Jahrtausends , , vol. 1, Monaco, Verlag Marie leidorf GmbH, 2012  .
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Schneider-Schnekenburger, G. [eds.], Über die Alpen : Menschen, Wege, Waren, , 2002  .
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Scharl, S. , "Die Neolithisierung Europas - Modelle und Hypothesen", Archaologische Informationen , vol. 26/2: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Ur- und Fruhgeschichte, Koln, pp. 243-254, 2003  .
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Schafer, D. , Grundzüge der technologischen Entwicklung und Klassifikation vor-jungpaläolithischer Steineartefakte in Mitteleuropa, , vol. 74, Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern, pp. 51-193, 1993  .
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Saville, A. , "European Journal of Archaeology", European Journal of Archaeology, vol. 8, issue 1, Edimburgo, Sage Pubblication, pp. 5-82, 04/2005.
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Saville, A. , "European Journal of Archaeology", European Journal of Archaeology, vol. 8, issue 2, Edimburgo, Sage Pubblication, pp. 91-194, 08/2005.
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Sass, S.L. , The Substance of Civilization. Materials and Human History from the Stone Age to the Age of Silicon, , 1998  .
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Sargiano, J., Van Willigen S., D’Anna, A., Renault, S., Hunger, K., Woerle-Soares, M., Gaday, R. , "Les Bagnoles à l’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (Vaucluse). Aspects noveaux dans le Néolithique moyen du midi de la France.", Gallia Préhistoire, vol. 52: CNRS Editions, pp. 193-239, 2010  .
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Rohl, B.M., Northover, J.P. , "The metalwork from Flag Fen", The Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society, vol. 28, issue 2, pp. 103-111, 1994  .
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R. Joffroy [eds.], "le passage du 1 au 2 age du fer en Europe", IX Congrès de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Nice, 13/09/1976.
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Ricq-de Bouard, M. , "Trade in Neolithic Jadeite Axes from the Alps: New Data.", Trade and Exchange in Prehistoric Europe. , University of Boston, University of Boston.
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Renfrew, C. , "Le origini delle lingue indoeuropee", Le Scienze, 1987  .
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Renfrew, C. , L'Europa della Preistoria, , 1987  .
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Renfrew, C. , "Il carbonio - 14 e la preistoria dell'Europa", Le Scienze, vol. 41, pp. 43770, 1972  .
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Raetzel-Fabian, D. , "Phasenkartierung des mitteleuropäischen Neolithikums. Chronologie und Chorologie", BAR International Series, vol. 316, 1986  .
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Raetzel, D. [eds.], Typentafeln zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte Mitteleuropas, Neolithikum, , Gottingen, 1983  .
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Primas, M. [eds.], Untersuchungen zu den Bestattungssiten der ausgehenden Kupfer und frühen Bronzezeit. Grabbau, Bestattungsformen und Beigabensitten im Südlichen Mitteleuropa, , pp. indice, 81-85, 119127, 147159 + tavole, 1977  .
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P.M. Duval, V. Kruta [eds.], "les mouvements celtiques a partir du V siècle avant notre ère", IX Congrès de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Nice, 13/09/1976.
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Plouin, S. , "Relation précoce avec le Picenum: une cyprée (Cypraea pantherina) de l’Océan indien dans une tombe aristocratique hallstattienne d’Alsace (Nordhouse, Bas-Rhin, France) ", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 40.2 (2004): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 101-106, 2006  .
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Pirson, S., Toussaint, M., Bosquet, D., Draily, C., Van der Sloot, P. [eds.], "Neandertal, l'Européen", Neandertal, l'Européen, Namur, 04/09/2010-03/04/2011.
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