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Margoni, B. , "I cambiamenti climatici e la diffusione dell'agropastoralismo in Europa occidentale", Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Trento, Università degli Studi di Trento, pp. 118, 2011/2012  .
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Marzagalli, S. , Europa città da scoprire. 73 località corredate da piante e informazioni per il viaggio, : Touring Club Italiano, 2003  .
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Matuschik, I., Merkl, M., Strahm, C. , "Von grosser Tragweite", 4000 Jahre Pfahlbauten: Begleitband zur Großen Landesausstellung Baden-Württemberg: Jan Thorbecke Verlag , pp. 379-383, 2016  .
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Mazurié De Keroulain, K. , Genèse ed diffusion de l'agriculture en Europe. Agriculteurs Chasseurs Pasteurs, , Parigi, Edition Errance, pp. 184, 2003  .
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Meyer, C., Lohr, C., Gronenborn, D., Alt, K.W. , "The Massacre Mass Grave of Schöneck-Kilianstädten Reveals New Insights into Collective Violence in Early Neolithic Central Europe", PNAS, vol. 112, issue 36: PNAS Press, pp. 11217-11222, 8/09/2015.
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Muller, J. , Das Ostadriatische Fruhneolithikum, , vol. 9, Berlino, Wissenschaftverlag Volker Spiess, pp. 175-278, 1994  .
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Muller, J. , Prahistorische Archaologie in Sudosteuropa, , vol. 9, Berlino, Wissenschaftsverlag Volker Spiess, pp. tavole, 1994  .
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Muller, J. , Prahistorische Archaologie in Sudosteuropa, , vol. 9, Berlino, Wissenschaftsverlag Volker Spiess, pp. 279-389, 1994  .
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Muller-Karpe H. , Handbuch der Vorgeschichte - Jungsteinzeit, , vol. Band II: C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhabdlung, 1968  .
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Narr, K.J., Schulz-Weidner, W., Von Fürer-Haimendorf, C., Christie, A., Loehr, M., Jettmar, K., Menghin, O. [eds.], Abriss der Vorgeschichte, , München, R. Oldenbourg München, 1957  .
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Neuninger, H., Preuschen, E., Pittioni, R. , "Goldlagerstätten in Europa. Möglichkeiten ihrer Beachtung in der Urzeit", Archaeologia Austriaca, vol. 49, Vienna, pp. 23-35, 1971  .
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Nikolov V., Bacvarov K. , "Salt, early complex society, urbanization: Provadia-Solnitsata (5500-4200 BC)", Salt and Gold: The Role of Salt in Prehistoric Europe, Provadia (Bulgaria), Veliko Tarnovo, pp. 11-65, 30/09/2010.
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Pavuk, J. , "Hausgrundriß und Furchenstichkeramik der Gruppe Bajč-Retz Aus Čataj In Der Slowakei", Symposium Cernavodă III - Boleráz ein vorgeschichtliches Phänomen zwischen dem Oberrhein und der unteren Donau, Mangalia/Neptun, Bucureşti Vavila Ed., pp. 563-578, 18/10/1999.
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Pearce, M. , "European Journal of Archaeology", European Journal of Archaeology, vol. 5, issue 3: Sage Pubblication, pp. 273-391, 12/2002.
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Pechtl, J., Limmer, B. , "Transalpine Contacts and Italian Influences on Southern Bavarian Neolithic (6th-3rd Millenium BC)", Rivista Di Scienze Preistoriche, vol. 70: IIPP, pp. 125-134, 2020  .
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Pedrotti, A., Pessina, A., Cladders, M., Kaufmann, D., Blesl, C., Windl, H., Pavuk, J., Neugenbauer, J.W., Zapatocka, M., Pavlu, I., Talaa, D., Nadler, M., Riedhammer, K. [eds.], "Internationales Öguf-Symposium. Aktuelle Fragen des fruhen und mittleren Neolithikums in Mitteleuropa. Exzerrptbroschüre.", Aktuelle Fragen des fruhen und mittleren Neolithikums in Mitteleuropa, Poysdorf, Kolpinghaus Poysdorf, Niederosterreich, 18/10/1995.
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Peretto, C. [eds.], " The sections of the XIII international congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric sciences Forlì (Italia) 8-14 September 1996", XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences Forlì -( Italia) 8-14 September 1996, vol. 1, Forlì, Abaco, pp. 562, 8/09/1996.
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Peretto Carlo [eds.], "Preistoria e Musei in Europa", Preistoria e Musei in Europa, Isernia, Univ. di Ferrara, 28-29/04/1999.
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Peretto Carlo, Milliken Sarah [eds.], "L'Adattamento umano all'ambiente Passato e presente ", Atti XI congresso degli antropologi italiani Isernia, 13-16 settembre 1995, vol. 2, Isernia, Associazione Antropologica Italiana , pp. 678, 13/09/1995.
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Peroni, R. , "Culti, comunità tribali e gentilizie, caste guerriere e figure di eroi e principi nel secondo millennio in Italia tra Europa centrale ed Egeo", Guerrieri, Principi ed Eroi. Fra il Danubio e il Po. Dalla preistoria all'Alto Medioevo, Trento, Castello del Buonconsiglio, pp. 161-173, 2004  .
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Perrin, T., Manen, C., Valdeyron, N., Guilaine, J. , "Beyond the sea… The Neolithic transition in the southwest of France", Quaternary International, vol. 470: International Union for Quaternary Research, pp. 318-332, 26/05/2017.
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Petrequin, P., Petrequin, A.M., Errera, M., Cassen, S., Croutsch, C., Klassen, L., Rossy, M., Garibaldi, P., Isetti, E., Rossi, G., Delcaro, D. , "Beigua, Monviso e Valais. All’origine delle grandi asce levigate di origine alpina in Europa occidentale durante il V millennio", Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, vol. LV, pp. 265-322, 2005  .
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Piperno, M., Bulgarelli, G.M., Mineo, M., Tagliacozzo, A., Corona, V., Falchi, S. , I primi abitanti d'Europa. 1.500.000 - 100.000 anni., , Roma, De Luca Editore, pp. 226, 1984  .
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Pirson, S., Toussaint, M., Bosquet, D., Draily, C., Van der Sloot, P. [eds.], "Neandertal, l'Européen", Neandertal, l'Européen, Namur, 04/09/2010-03/04/2011.
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Plouin, S. , "Relation précoce avec le Picenum: une cyprée (Cypraea pantherina) de l’Océan indien dans une tombe aristocratique hallstattienne d’Alsace (Nordhouse, Bas-Rhin, France) ", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 40.2 (2004): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 101-106, 2006  .
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