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Dal Mas, G. , "Villa o palazzo Crotta-Dè Manzoni. Una sosta tra lo splendore dell’arte", La conca agordina cuore delle Dolomiti. Guida agli aspetti fisici, naturalistici, storici e artistici., pp. 143-152, 2008  .
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Marazzi, M., Giardino, C., Pepe, C. , "Vivara, Settlement of Punto d'Alaca, Naples, Italy. Late Helladic I-II, 16th-15th centuries B.C.", Archaeology Meets Science. Biomolecular Investigations in Bronze Age Greece. The Primary Scientific Evidence 1997-2003, Oxford, Oxbow Books, pp. 273-280, 2008  .
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Giardino, C., Merkouri, C., Pepe, C. , "Vivara and the Mycenaeans: a Bronze Age Melting Pot? An International Port of Trade in the Western Mediterranean at the Beginning of the Mycenaean Period", Crossing Borders. Trade and production in premonetary Greece. Proceedings of the 7th, 8th and 9th International Workshops Athens 1997-1999, vol. 173, Atene, Gillis, C.; Sjöberg, B., pp. 211-228, 2008  .
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Degasperi, N. , Vermiglio (TN). Loc.”Splazi Balarini”. Relazione sulla prima campagna di sondaggi stratigrafici, , Trento, Ufficio Beni Archeologici, pp. 11, 10/2003.
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Héritier, L. , "Varen VS-Sportplatz. Un habitat et un complexe céramique du 8e siècle av.J.-C. en Valais", Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, vol. 85, pp. 67-102, 2002  .
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Oeggl, K., Notburga, W. , "Vegetation and climate history of a high alpine mesolithic camp site in the Eastern Alps", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 28/1 (1992): Museo tridentino di scienze naturali, pp. 71-82, 1995  .
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Iaia, C. , "Viterbo. Il complesso abitativo protostorico Montepizzo - Palanzana", Preistoria e protostoria in Etruria. Atti del Primo Incontro di Studi. Saturnia (Manciano) - Farnese 17/19 Maggio 1991, Milano, 1991.
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Schneider, R. , "Vergleich des Pollengehaltes von Oberflächenproben mit der rezenten Vegetation im Aspromonte, Kalabrien, Italien", Diss. Bot., vol. 72, 1, pp. 275-318, 1984  .
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Girod, A. , "Vhò Campo Ceresole (Piadena): scavi 1979. La Malacofauna", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 18 (1982), Trento, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 225-229, 1982.
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Girod, A. , "Vhò Campo Ceresole (Piadena): Scavi 1978 - La Malacofauna", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 14 (1978): Museo tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 205-208, 1978.
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Baroni, C., Bruschi, G., Veronese, L., Zanchetta, G. , "Younger Dryas Early Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Lake Terlago (Southern Alps).", Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, vol. 24, pp. 13-24, 2001  .
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Curdy, P., Leuzinger-Piccand, C., Leuzinger, U. , "Zermatt Alp Hermettji et les cols secondaries du Valais", ConstellaSion. Hommage à Alain Gallary, vol. 95, Losanna, pp. 73-86, 2003.
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László, H. , "Zalai Múzeum", Zalai Múzeum közlemények Zala megye múzeumaiból, vol. 5: Zalai Múzeum, pp. 318, 1994  .
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László, H. , "Zalai Múzeum", Zalai Múzeum közlemények Zala megye múzeumaiból, vol. 1: Zalai Nyomda, pp. 233, 1987  .
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Perini, R. , "Zur Bauweise der Feuchtbodensiedlungen im südlichen Voralpenraum.", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 11, issue 1, pp. 29-35, 1981  .
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