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Book Chapter
Suess, H.E. , The three causes of the secular C14 fluctuations, their amplitudes and time constants., , pp. 595-605, 1989  .
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Alessio, M., Allegri, L., Bella, E., Calderoni, G., Cortesi, C., Cremaschi, M., Improta, S., Papani, G., Petrone, V. , "Le datazioni 14C della pianura tardowuriana ed olocenica nell'Emilia occidentale ESTRATTO", Contributi preliminari alla redazione della Carta Neotettonica d'Italia, vol. 356: C.N.R., pp. 1411-1435, 1980  .
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Journal Article
Bini A., Zuccoli Bini L. , "Isolino Virginia: dati stratigrafici, datazioni 14C e sezioni geologiche ", Sibrium, vol. XXX: Centro di studi preistorici e archeologici di Varese, pp. 97-133, 2016. Abstract
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Mattioli, T. , "La datazione 14C delle concrezioni sigillanti una pittura rupestre del riparo di Pale (Foligno, Perugina)", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 46, issue II: Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali, pp. 165-166, 2012  .
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Grimaldi, S. , "Radiocarbon dating of the early Mesolithic Colbricon site", Journal of Anthropological Sciences, vol. 84, pp. 137-145, 2006  .
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Grimaldi, S. , "Radiocarbon dating of the early Mesolithic Colbricon site (north-eastern Italian Alps)", Journal of Anthropological Sciences, vol. 84, pp. 137-145, 2006  .
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Magnani, G., Bartolomei, P., Cavulli, F., Esposito, M., Marino, E.C., Neri, M., Rizzo, A., Scaruffi, S. , "U-series and radiocarbon dates in mollusc schells from the uppermost layer of the archaeological site of KHB-1 Ra's al Khabbah, Oman", Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 34, pp. 749-755, 2006  .
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Richard, G. , "A propos du dolmen de la Pierre Godon a Tillay-le-Péneux (Eure-et-Loir):Une nouvelle datation C14 inédite", Mélanges offerts à Claude Leymarios, vol. 41, pp. 31-35, 1997  .
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Lenneis, E., Stadler, P., Windl, H. , "Neue 14C-Daten zum Frühneolithikum in Österreich", Préhistoire Européenne, vol. 8, pp. 97-116, 1996  .
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Ambert, P., Bourhis, J.R., Espérou, J.L., Roques, P., Gilot, E., Chabal, L. , "La fosse chalcolithique Pioch-Farrus 448 (Cabrières, Hérault). Datation 14 C et documents métallurgiques.", Bullettin du Musée d'Anthropologie Préhistorique de Monaco, vol. 37, Monaco, pp. 53-62, 1994  .
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Grazioli, M. , ""Galeas per montes".Alcune note sulla conquista veneziana del 1440.", Il Sommolago, vol. 7, issue 3, pp. 95-100, 1990  .
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Turrini, R. , "Inventari del Castello di Penede.", Il Sommolago, vol. 6, issue 2, pp. 5-42, 1989  .
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Alessio, M., Allegri, L., Bella, F., Broglio, A., Calderoni, G., Cortesi, C., Improta, S., Preite Martinez, M., Petrone, V., Turi, B. , "14C datings of three mesolithic series of Trento Basin in the Adige Valley (Vatte di Zambana, Pradestel, Romagnano) and comparisons with mesolithic series of other regions.", Preistoria Alpina - Atti della Tavola Rotonda Internazionale - Il popolamento delle Alpi in età mesolitica VIII - V millennio a.c., vol. 19 (1983), Trento, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 245-254, 1984.
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Grazioli, M. , "Potestaria Terrae Rippae", Il Sommolago, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 15-38, 1984  .
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Zindel, C., Defuns, A. , "Spuren von Pflugackerbau aus der Jungsteinzeit in Graubünden", Helvetia Archaeologica Zürich , vol. 11, issue 42, no. 42, pp. 42-45, 1980  . Abstract
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Alessio, M., Allegri, L., Bella, F., Improta, S., Belluomini, G., Calderoni, G., Cortesi, C., Manfra, L., Turi, B. , "University of Rome Carbon-14 Dates XVI", Radiocarbon, vol. 20, issue 1: UAiR, University of Arizona, pp. 79-104, 1978  .
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Freises, A., Montjardin, R. , "Le gisement cardial de l'Ile de Correge a Port-Leucate (Aude).", Bulletin de la Société d'Etudes Scientifiques de Sète et de sa Région Sète , vol. 6-7, 1974  .
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Camps, G. , "Tableau chronologique de la Préhistoire récente du Nord de l' Afrique. Deuxième synthèse des datations absolues obtenues par le C14", Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, vol. 71, pp. 261-278, 1974  .
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Renfrew, C. , "Il carbonio - 14 e la preistoria dell'Europa", Le Scienze, vol. 41, pp. 43770, 1972  .
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Conference Paper
Fozzati, L., Bressan, F., Martinelli, N., Valzolgher, E. , "Underwater archaeology and prehistoric settlement in a great alpine lake: the case study of Lake Garda", 2nd International Congress on Underwater Archaeology, Rüschlikon bei Zürich, Archäologie Schweiz, Basel 2006, 2/10/2004.
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Stauble, H. , "Radiocarbon Dates of the earliest Neolithic in Central Europe", 15th International 14C Conference, vol. 37, pp. 227-237, 1995  .
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Beer, J., Giertz, V., Moll, M. , The contribution of the Swiss Lake-Dwelling to the calibration of Radiocarbon Dates., , Los Angeles, Univ California, 1976  .
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Conference Proceedings
Whitehouse, R. [eds.], Italian Prehistory, Carbon 14 and the tree-ring calibration, , vol. BAR Supplementary Series 41, Oxford, Blake, Potter, Whitehouse, pp. 71-91, 1978  .
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Magazine Article
Tomasi, G. , "I boscaioli di 3000 anni fa", Strenna Trentina, 1972  .
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Facchinetti, L. , "Considerazioni sul popolamento dell'Italia Settentrionale nel periodo Neolitico attraverso le datazioni radiometriche al C14", Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Trento, Università degli Studi di Trento, pp. 58, 2011/2012  .
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