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Favilli, F., Egli, M., Brandová, D., Ivy-Ochs, S., Kubik, P.W., Cherubini, P., Mirabella, A., Sartori, G., Giaccai, D., Haeberli, W. , "Combined use of relative and absolute dating techniques for detecting signals of Alpine landscape evolution during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene ", Geomorphology, vol. 112, issue 1-2, pp. 48-66 , 2009  .
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Favilli, F., Egli, M., Brandová, D., Ivy-Ochs, S., Kubik, P.W., Maisch, M., Cherubini, P., Haeberli, W. , "Combination of numerical dating techniques using 10be in rock boulders and 14C of resilient soil organic matter for reconstructing the chronology of glacial and periglacial processes in a high alpine catchment during the late Pleistocene and early Holocen", Radiocarbon, vol. 51, issue 2, pp. 537-552, 2009  .
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Favilli, F., Egli, M., Sartori, G., Cherubini, P., Brandová, D., Haeberli, W. , "Application of relative and absolute dating techniques in the Alpine environment", Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, vol. 85, pp. 93-108, 2009  .
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Fedele, F., Andrews, D., Morris, E.J. , "Castello di Breno - 1980-81", Boll. Centro Camuno Studi Preistorici, vol. 20, Capo di Ponte (BS), Centro Camuno, pp. 119-128, 1983  .
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Felber, M., Veronese, L., Cocco, S., Frei, W., Nardin, M., Oppizzi, P., Santuliana, E., Violanti, D. , "Indagini sismiche e geognostiche nelle valli del Trentino meridionale (Val d'Adige, Valsugana, Valle del Sarca, Valle del Chiese), Italia", Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali - Acta Geologica, vol. 75, pp. 3-52, 1998.
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Ferembach, D., Schwidetzky, I., Stloukal, M. , Raccomandazioni per la determinazione dell'età e del sesso sullo scheletro (con 10 figure nel testo e 4 tabelle nel testo e in appendice)., , 1978  .
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Fernàndez-Miranda, M., Waldren, W.H. , "Periodificaciòn cultural y cronologìa absoluta en la prehistoria de Mallorca.", Trabajos de Prehistoria, vol. 36, Madrid, pp. 349-377, 1979  .
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Ferri, W. , "Fotogrammetria ed Archeologia: acquisizione ed elaborazione dei dati.", Archeologia del paesaggio., vol. 1, Certosa di Pontignano-Si, pp. 391-442, 1992  .
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Fijalkowski, W. [eds.], Wilanòw. Palast und Garten., , Warszawa, Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, pp. 19419, 1978  .
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Finsterwalder, K. , Tiroler Familiennamenkunde: Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte von Personen-, Familien-, und Hofnamen: mit einem Namenlexikon, , 2, Innsbruck, Universitätsverlag Wagner, 1994  .
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Finsterwalder, K. , Tiroler Namenkunde: Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte von Personen-, Familien-, und Hofnamen: mit einem Namenlexikon, , Innsbruck, Institut für deutsche Philologie der Universität Innsbruck, 1978  .
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Fleckinger, A., Moser, H., Stampfer, H., Fowler, B., Gaber, O., De Stefano, G.F., Capasso, L., Spindler, K., Leitner, W., Bortenschlager, S., Oeggl, K., Mello, E., Perrucca, G., Romussi, W., Angelantoni, C. , Die Gletschermumie aus der Kupferzeit. La mummia dell'età del Rame. (1), , Bolzano, Folio, pp. 125, 1999  .
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Flenniken, J.J., Raymond, A.W. , "Morphological projectile point of typology: replication experimentation and technological analysis", American Antiquity, vol. 51 (3), Washington, Society for American Archaeology, pp. 603-614, 1986  .
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Flukiger, W. , "Die mittelsteinzeitliche Siedlung Rueteliacher", Jahb. SGU, B., vol. 40, 1949/1950  .
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Fowler, B. , Iceman, , New York, Random House, 2000  .
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Fowler, B. , "Man in glacier offers rich trove from the Stone Age.", Science Times. The New York Times, pp. C1-C2, 1992  .
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Fowler, C., Harding, J., Hofmann, D. , "The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe: An Introduction.", The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 3-23, 2015  .
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Frey, O.H., Böhme, H.W., Dobiat, C. [eds.], Europa Celtica. Untersuchungen zur Hallstatt- und Latènekultur, , vol. 12, Marburg, Verlag Narie Leidorf, 1996  .
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Frey, O.H., Harari, M., Bermond Montanari, G., Capuis, L., Ruta Serafini, M., Ortalli, J., Peretto, R., Vallicelli, M.C., Wiel-Marin, F., Salzani, L., Vitali, D., Donati, L., Parrini, A., Curti, F. , "L'Alto e Medio Adriatico tra VI e V secolo a.C. (Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Adria, 19-21 marzo 1999)", Padusa. Bollettino del Centro Polesano di studi storici, archeologici e etnografici, vol. anno XXXVIII, rovigo, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici internazionali, pp. 1-265, 2002  .
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Frick, W., Vonbank, E. [eds.], "4000 Jahre Keramik in Vorarlberg.", Ausstelllungkatalog des Vorarlberger Landesmuseum 77, Aussenstelle Bludenz, Kammer der gewerblichen Wirtschaft, fur Voralberg, Innung der Hafner Voralbergs, Voralberger Landesmuseum, 27/05/1978.
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Fuchs, G., Ehrenreich, S., Einwögerer Tlinder, M., Postl, W. , "Die kupferzeitliche Siedlung beim vulgo Kogelfuchs in der KG Schönberg, MG Hengsberg, VB Leibnitz, Steiermark", Fundberichte aus Österreich, vol. 42: Berger, Horn, AUTRICHE (1934), pp. 93-112 , 2003  .
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Fuchs, G., Einwögerer Tlinder, M., Baumung, J., Lohner, U. , "Oberflächenfunde von der kupferzeitlichen Höhensiedlung am Tesserriegel in der Steiermark", Fundberichte aus Österreich, vol. 38: Berger, Horn, AUTRICHE (1934), pp. 179-234, 1999  .
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F. Wendorf [eds.], "deuxiéme colloque sur la terminologie de la préhistoire du proche-orient, "terminology of prehistory of near east"", IX Congrès de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Nice, imprimerie Louis-Jean, 13/09/1976.
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Ganzelewski, M., Slotta, R. [eds.], Bernstein. Tränen der Götter., , 1997  .
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Garcia, D., Mocci, F., Tzortzis, S., Walsh, K. , "Archéologie de la vallée de l'Ubaye (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France): premiers résultats d'un Project Collectif de Recherche", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 42: Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 23-48, 2007  .
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