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Wamser, L. [eds.], "Weggefährten über 25 Jahre. Die Prähistorische Staatssammlung und ihr Freundeskreis.", Prähistorische Staatssammlung München, München, 1998  .
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Walsh, K., Mocci, F., Palet-Martinez, J. , "Nine thousand years of human/landscape dynamics in a high altitude zone in the southern French Alps (Parc National des Ecrines, Hautes Alpes)", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 42: Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali, pp. 9-22, 2007  .
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Walsh, K., Mocci, F., Court-Picon, M., Tzortzis, S., Palet-Martinez, J.-M., Dumas, V., Py, V., Segard, M., Talon, B. , "Dynamique du peuplement et activités agro-pastorales durant l'âge du Bronze dans les massifs du Haut Champsaur et de l'Argentierois (Hautes-Alpes)", Documents d'Archéologie méridionale, vol. 28, pp. 25-44, 2005  .
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Walsh, K. , "Risk and marginality at high altitudes: new interpretations from fieldwork on the Faravel Plateau, Haute-Alps", Antiquity, vol. 79, pp. 289-305, 2005  .
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Walser, G. , "Römische Militärinschriften vom Grossen St. Bernhard", Archäologie der Schweiz, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 15-29, 1983  .
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Walser, G. , "Ein silbernes Ex-Voto vom Grossen St. Bernhard", Archäologie der Schweiz, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 87-89, 1983  .
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Walker, A., Leakey, R.E.F. , "Gli ominidi del Turkana orientale", Le Scienze, pp. 36-53, 1978  .
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Waldren, W.H., Chapman, R., Lewthwaite, J., Kennard, R. [eds.], The Deya Conference of Prehistory. Early Settlement in the Western Mediterranean Islands and Peripheral Areas., , Damarc Deya, Mallorca, pp. 55, 15-22/09/1983.
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Waldren, W.H. , Early Prehistoric Settlement in the Balearic Islands., , Oxford, 1982  .
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Walde Psenner, E. , "I bronzetti figurati antichi del Trentino.", Patrimonio storico e artistico del Trentino, vol. 7, 1983  .
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Walde Psenner, E. , "Die figurlichen Bronzen in der Vor - und fruhgeschichlichen Sammlun des tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum.", Veroffentlichungen des Museum Ferdinandeum, 1976  .
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Walach, G. , "Aufgaben und Ziele der Geophysik im Rahmen der montanarchäologischen Forschung in der Nördlichen Grauwackenzone (Raum Paltental/Gesäuse)", Montahistorisches Mitteilungen, vol. 128, issue 4, Leoben, pp. 135-137, 1983  .
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Wagenknecht, E. , Die Altersbestimmung des erlegten Wildes, , Berlin, 1968  .
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Wackernell, J.E. [eds.], Forschungen und Mitteilungen, XIII, , 1916  .
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Wace, A. J. E. , "Proceeding of the Cambridge Philological Society", Proceeding of the Cambridge Philological Society, vol. 169: Cambridge University Press, 1938.
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Wace, A. J. E. , "Proceeding of the Cambridge Philological Society", Proceeding of the Cambridge Philological Society, vol. 166: Cambridge University Press, 1937.
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Vonwiller Rittatore, F. , "Il periodo di transizione tra l’Età del Bronzo e quella del Ferro in Transpadana", Rendiconti di Preistoria Alpina, vol. 1 (1963), Trento, Società di cultura preistorica tridentina, pp. 96-105, 1963.
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Vonwiller, F.R., Fogolari, G. , "Popoli e civiltà dell'Italia antica, IV", Popoli e civiltà dell'Italia antica, vol. IV, no. Popoli e civiltà dell'Italia antica, Roma, Biblioteca di Storia Patria, pp. 359, 1975  .
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Von Cartellieri, W. , Die rȍmischen Alpenstrassen ȕber den Brenner, Reschen-Scheideck und Plȍckenpass, , Lipsia, 1926  .
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Vesey, W. T. , "Proceeding of the Cambridge Philological Society", Proceeding of the Cambridge Philological Society, vol. 145: Cambridge University Press, 1930.
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Vesey, W. T. , "Proceeding of the Cambridge Philological Society", Proceeding of the Cambridge Philological Society, vol. 142: Cambridge University Press, 1929.
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Vanzetti, A., Vidale, M., Gallinaro, M., Frayer, D.W., Bondioli, L. , "The iceman as a burial.", Antiquity, vol. 84, issue 325: Cambridge University Press, pp. 681-692, 2010  .
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Van Willigen, S., D’Anna, A., Renault, S., Sargiano, J. , "Le Néolithique moyen du sud-est de la France – 50 ans de recherches", Archéologie des rivages méditerranéens: 50 ans de recherche, Bouches-du-Rhone, Edition Errance, pp. 211-221, 28/10/2009.
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Van Willigen, S. , "Les Premiers Objets en Cuivre au Sud at à l’ouest del Alpes", Jade, vol. 4: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, pp. 911-931, 2017  .
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Van Berg, P.-L., Cauwe, N. , Du Néolithique Ancien au Néolithique Récent en Europe Occidental: changement de geométrie., , Dijon, 1996  .
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