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Thomas Reitmaier [eds.], Hochalpine Archäologie in der Silvretta, , 2012  .
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Mannino, M.A., Thomas, K.D. , "Dati preliminari sui reperti di malacofauna", XIL Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, San Cipiriello (PA), 16/11/2006.
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Thomas, K.D., Mannino, M.A. , "Archeomalacologia della Sicilia nord-occidentale: un programma di ricerca per lo studio dell'ecologia e della sussistenza umana nella preistoria tramite l'analisi dei gusci dei molluschi marini da siti archeologici.", Quaderni del Museo Archeologico Regionale "Antonino Salinas", vol. 7, pp. 45-58, 2003  .
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Cruse, J., Foster, P., Rainsbury, M., Thomas, R., Thomas, R. , "PAST. The newsletter of the Prehistoric society", PAST, vol. 43, London, University College London, Institute of Archaeology, 2003  .
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Mannino, M.A., Spiro, B.F., Thomas, K.D. , "Sampling shells for seasonality: oxygen isotope analysis on shell carbonates of the inter-tidal gastropod Monodonta lineata (da Costa) from populations across its modern range and from a Mesolithic site in southern Britain", Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 30: Elsevier Science, pp. 667-679, 2003  .
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Mannino, M.A., Thomas, K.D. , "Depletion of resource? The impact of prehistoric human foraging on intertidal mollusc communities and its significance foe human settlement, mobility and dispersal", World Archaeology, vol. 33, issue 3, pp. 452-474, 2002  .
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Mannino, M.A., Thomas, K.D. , "The Exploitation of Invertebrates and Invertebrate Products", Handbook of Archaeological Sciences: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 427-448, 2001  .
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Pitts, M., Clay, P., Lawson, A.J., Demouche, F., Slimak, L., Deflandre, D., Thomas, R., Barrett, J., Watson, B., Gardiner, J. , "PAST. The newsletter of the Prehistoric society", PAST, vol. 32, London, University College London, Institute of Archaeology, 07/1999.
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Guilaine, J., Thoma, J., Rancoule, G. , La Grotte de Limousis de la Préhistoire à l' Histoire., : Archéologie en Terre d'Aude, 1994  .
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Thomas, G. , "Biskupin - A Polish Iron Age Village", Popular Archaeology, vol. 5, n.11, Bath, 1984  .
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Thoma, A. [eds.], "Le peuplement anténéandertalien de l'Europe", IX Congrès de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Nice, 13/09/1976.
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Thomas, K.V. , Die urgeschichtliche Höhensiedlung Mutta bei Fellers, Kt. Graubünden, , Freiburg i.Br., Universität Freiburg i.Br., 1974  .
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Guerreschi, A., Laplace, G., Livache, M., Thomas, G. , "Cahiers de typologie analytique", Dialektiké: Institut Universitaire de recherche scientifique, 1974  .
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