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Baptista, A.M. , A Rocha f-155 e a origem da arte do vale do Tejo., , Porto, Museu francisco tavares de proenca junior, 1981  .
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Demakopoulou, K., Konsola, D. [eds.], Archäologisches museum Theben, , Athen, Generaldirektion für altertümer und restaurierung, pp. 35186, 1981  .
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De Marinis, R.C. , Appunti sul Bronzo Medio, Tardo, Finale in Lombardia (1600-900 a.C.), , Milano, pp. 173-204, 1981  .
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Pfister, C.H. , "An analysis of the Little Ice Age climate in Switzerland and its consequences for agricultural production", Climate and History. Studies in past climates and their impact on Man, Cambridge, pp. 214–248, 1981  .
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Wyss, R. , "Archäologische Zeugnisse der Gaesaten", Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 227–238, 1981  .
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Guerreschi, G., Mesturini, P. , "Analisi della sezione di ceramiche preistoriche con microscopio binoculare", Sibrium, vol. 15, Varese, pp. 225-269, 1980/1981  .
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Contu, E., Tanda, G., Biagi, P., Antonia Roju, A., Castaldi, E., Demartis, G.M., Sanges, M., Moravetti, A., Cornaggia Castiglioni, O., Vigliardi, A., Faschi, A., Germanà, F., Ceccanti, M., Lo Schiavo, F., Brandis, P., Basoli, P., Fermentini, R. [eds.], Atti della XXII Riunione Scientifica IIPP nella Sardegna Centro Settentrionale 21-27 Ottobre 1978, , Firenze, Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, pp. 1-574, 1980  .
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Castaldi, E. , "Ancora sulle "stele" delle tombe dei giganti", Bullettino di Paletnologia Italiana (1975-1980), vol. 82, Roma, pp. 267-285, 1980  .
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Champion, S. , A dictionary of terms and techniques in Archaeology, , Oxford, Phaidon, 1980  .
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Lazzarini, L., Moschini, G., Stievano, B.M. , "A contribution to the identification of italian , greek and anatolian marbles through a petrological study and the evaluation of Ca/Sr ratio", Archaeometry, vol. 22, issue 2, pp. 173-183, 1980  .
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Bietti Sestieri, A.M. , "A proposito del sepolcreto di Bismantova, Emilia preromana.", Emilia preromana, pp. pp. 37-42, 1980  .
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Newel, L., Van Gljn, A.L., Kielman, D., Van Der Sanden, W. [eds.], An inquiry into the ethnic resolution of mesolithic regional groups: a study of their decorative ornaments in time and space, : Biologisch-Archaeologisch Instituut, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1980  .
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Kozlowski, S.K. [eds.], Atlas of the Mesolithic in Europe (First Generation Maps), , Warsaw, Warsaw University Press, pp. 5-211, 1980  .
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Bagolini, B., Lanzinger, M., Pasquali, T. , "Andalo (Trento).", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 14 (1978), Trento, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 213-215, 1980  .
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Mazza, F., Petriccione, V., Caruso Bonaduce, G., Ragnetti Berger, E., Uberti, D. , "Antiqua. Archeologia, architettura, urbanistica, dalle origini al medioevo", Antiqua, vol. 16, pp. 88, 07/1980.
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Sage, W. , "Ausgrabungen in der ehemaligen Grafenburg zu Ebersberg, Oberbayern, im Jahr 1978", Jahresber.Bayer.Bodenkmalpflege, vol. 21: Bayer. Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, 1980  .
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Zanotti, S. , Analisi tipologica e strutturale dei complessi del neolitico inferiore della regione padana., , Ferrara, Università di Ferrara, Corso di Laurea in Scienze Naturali, 1979/1980  .
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Pallottino, M., Negroni Catacchio, N., Peroni, R., Nava, M.L., Mira Bonomi, A., Salzani, L., Leonardi, G., Bianchin Citton, E., De Min, M., De Angelis, M.C., Di Gennaro, F., Fugazzola Delpino, M.A., Cassano, S.M., Bietti Sestieri, A.M., Colonna, G. [eds.], Atti della XXI Riunione Scientifica IIPP . Il Bronzo Finale in Italia Firenze 21-23 Ottobre 1973, , Firenze, Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, pp. 1-641, 1979  .
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Camps, G. , "Apercu sur la Préhistoire Corse et ses problèmes", Bulletin de la Société d’Etudes et de Recherches préhistoriques des Eyzies, vol. 28, pp. 29-50, 1979  .
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Schifferdecker, F. , "Auvernier et la céramique de la civilisation de Cortaillod en Suisse occidentale", Bull.Soc.Préhist.Francaise, vol. 76, issue 2, Paris, pp. 46-54, 1979  .
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Glenn, W.H., Johnson, D.A. , Avventure tre i diagrammi, , Bologna, Zanichelli, pp. 79, 1979  .
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Kaczanowska, M., Kozlowski, J., Pawlikowski, M. , Additional Research on Flint Raw Material from the southern part of the Cracow-Czestochowa Upland, , vol. XIX, pp. 179-187, 1979  .
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Neugebauer, J.W., Simperl, K. [eds.], Als Europa erwachte. Österreich in der Urzeit, , Salzburg, Verlag Das Bergland-Buch, 1979  .
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Primas, M. , "Archaologische Untersuchungen in Tamins GR: Die spatneolithische Station "Crestis"", Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, vol. 62, Frauenfeld, Huber & Co., pp. 13-27, 1979  .
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Schifferdecker, F. , Auvernier et la céramique de la civilisation de Cortaillod en Suisse occidentale, , Paris, 1979  .
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