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Padovan, S., Thirault, E. , Chiomonte e Sollières. Pionieri delle Alpi dal Neolitico alle invasioni galliche. Pionniers del Alpes du Néolithique aux invasions gauloises., , Edizione Nautilus, Torino, pp. 3 - 48, 2007  .
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Durer, A., Frau, G. , L'alterego ritratto, : Nicolodi, 2005  .
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Huijsmans, M., Krauß, R., Stibich, R. , Prahistorischer Fahlerzbergbau in der Grauwackenzone Neolithische und bronzezeitlche Basiedlungsgeschichte und Kupfermetallurgie in Raum Brixlegg (Nordtirol), , vol. 17, Bochum, Der Anschnitt, pp. 53-106, 2004  .
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Gleirscher, P., Oberrauch, H. , In dono agli dei. Culti al tempo di Otzi., , pp. 47, 2002  .
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Straus, L.G. , Iberia before the iberians. The stone Age Prehistory of Cantabrian Spain., : University of New Mexico Press, pp. 336, 1992  .
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Straub, D., Pömer, K. , Das Mondseeland. Geschichte und Kultur, , Linz, 1981  .
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Barrau, J., Chavaillon, J., Constantin, C., Dodonov, A.E., Leroi-Gourhan, A., Leroi-Gourhan, Ar., Poplin, F., Ranov, V.A., Tillier, A.-M., Tolstoy, P., Turekian, K., Viel, R. , La riscoperta della preistoria, , Ed. Scientifiche e Tecniche Mondadori, Milano, Mondadori Editore, pp. 223, 1979  .
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Barrau, J., , La riscoperta della preistoria., , Milano, Mondadori, 1979  .
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Clottes, J., Giraud, J., Rouzaud, F., Vaquer, J. , Le village chasséen de Villeneuve-Tolosane (Haute-Garonne), , Fouilles, pp. 116-128, 1978  .
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Rauzi, G.M. , Alla scoperta di Trento, , Trento, Luigi Reverdito Editore, 1970  .
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Book Chapter
Krauß, R., Schmid, C., Ciobotaru, D., Slavchev, V. , "Varna und die Folgen – Überlegungen su den Ockergräbern zwischen Kerpatenbecken und der nördlichen Ägäis", Von Baden bis Troia – Ressourcennutzung, Metallurgie und Wissenstransfer. Eine Festschrift für Ernst Pernicka: Verlag Marie Leidorf, pp. 273-315, 2016  .
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Bartelheim, M., Eckstein, K., Huijsmans, M., Kraub, R., Pernicka, E. , "Kupfirzeitliche Metallgewinnung in Brixlegg, Osterreich", Die Anfange der Metallurgie in der Alten Welt, no. 1, Berlin, pp. 33-82, 2002  .
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Journal Article
Krauß, R., Leusch, V., Zäuner, S. , "Zur frühesten Metallurgie in Europa − Untersuchungen des kupferzeitlichen Gräberfeldes von Varna", Bulgarien-Jahrbuch 2012: Berlin: Verlag Otto Sagner, pp. 64-82, 2014  .
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Krauß, R., Slavčev, V. , "Wen Stellen die Tönernen Gesichter im Gräberfeld Von Varna I dar?", Taphonomische Forschungen (nicht nur) zum Neolithikum. Fokus Jungsteinzeit. Berichte der AG Neolithikum, vol. 3: Kerpen-Loogh, pp. 237-256, 2012  .
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Krause, R. , "The prehistoric settlement of the inneralpine valley of Montafon in Vorarlberg (Austria)", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 42: Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 119-136, 2007  .
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Berger, J., Cleuziou, S., Davtian, G., Cattani, M., Cavulli, F., Charpentier, V., Cremaschi, M., Giraud, J., Marquis, P., Martin, C., Méry, S., Plaziat, J., Saliège, J. , "Evolution paléogéographique du Ja'alan (Oman) a l'Holocène moyen: Impact sur l'évolution des paléomilieux littoraux et les stratégies d'adaptation des communautés humaines.", Paléorient, vol. 31, issue 1: CNRS Edition, pp. 46-63, 2005  .
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Krause, R. , "Settlement archaeology and prehistoric mining: a new interdisciplinary research project in the Alpine valley Montafon in Vorarlberg (Austria)", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 39 (2003): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 211-218, 2005  .
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Peña-Cocarro, L., Zapata, L., Iriarte, M.J., Gonzáles Morales, M.R., Straus, L.G. , "The oldest agriculture in northern Atlantic Spain: new evidence from El Miróm Cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria).", Journal of Archeological Science , vol. 32, issue 4: Elsevier Science, pp. 579-587, 2005  .
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Gonzáles Morales, M.R., Straus, L., Diez, A., Ruiz, J. , "Postglacial coast and inland: the Epipaleolithic-Mesolithic-Neolithic transitions in the Vasco-Cantabrian region.", Munibe, vol. 56, pp. 61-78, 2004  .
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Krause, R. , "Grabenwerk - Siedlung - Gräberfeld: Die Ausgrabungen von 1994 - 1997 von Vihingen an der Enz (Kr. Ludwigsburg, Baden - Württemberg)", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 37 (2001): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 109-124, 2003  .
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Bartelheim M., Pernicka, E., Krause, R. , "Kupferzeitliche ", Die anfänger der metallurgie in der Alten Welt. The beginnings of metallurgy in the Old World, 2002  .
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Straus, L.G., Gonzáles Morales, M.R., Fano Martínez, M.A., García-Gelabert, M.P. , "Last Glacial Human Settlement in Eastern Cantabria (Northern Spain).", Journal of Archeological Science, vol. 29, issue 12: Academic Press, pp. 1403-1414, 2002  .
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Thirault, E. , "Production, diffusion et usage des haches néolithiques dans les Alpes occidentales et le bassin du Rhone.", Bullettin de la Société Préhistorique Francaise, vol. 98, issue 4, pp. 737-742, 2001  .
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Thirault, E. , "State of knowledges of the petrography and the diffusion ways of the metamorphic rocks used for the axe blades during the Neolithic in the Rhone basin and the Western Alpes.", Slovak Geol. Mag., vol. 7, issue 4, Bratislava, pp. 329-336, 2001  .
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Thirault, E. , "The neolithic axe workshops of eclogites and Jadeites in the french Alpsi and and their role in the network of exchanges in the Rhone basin.", Slovak Geol. Mag., vol. 7, issue 4, Bratislava, pp. 416-419, 2001  .
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