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Tozzi, C., Grifoni, R., Radi, G., Zamagni, B. [eds.], Le forme della ceramica delle Culture di Catignano-Scaloria Bassa, Passo di Corvo e Ripoli, , N.D.  .
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Vass, A., Szabóky, C., Uherkovich, Á., Majer, J., Ecsedy, I., Maráz, B., Sonkoly, K., Nagy, E., Bezerédy, G., Füzes, M., Horváth, B.C., Cserdi, A., Tarján, G., Mándoki, L., Aknai, T., Hárs, E. , "A Janus Pannonius mùzeum èvkonyve.", Annales Musei de Iano Pannonio nominati, vol. 27, Pècs, Janus Pannonius Museum, pp. 290, 1983  .
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Vergès, J.M., Allué, E., Angelucci, D.E., Burjachs, F., Carrancho, A., Cebrià, A., Expósito, I., Fontanals, M., Moral, S., Rodríguez, A., Vaquero, M. , "Los niveles neolíticos de la cueva de El Mirador (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos): nuevos datos sobre la implantación y el desarrollo de la economía agropecuaria en la submeseta norte.", Actas del IV Congreso del Neolítico Peninsular, vol. I, Alicante, pp. 418-427, 2008  .
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Vicredi, L. , "Tombe preromane a Cademario", Rivista Storica Ticinese, vol. 9, pp. 212, 1939  .
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Vicredi, L. , "La necropoli preromana di Solduno", Rivista Storica Ticinese, vol. 9, pp. 193-200, 1939  .
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Vicredi, L. , "Tombe della civiltà del ferro a Cademario", Rivista Storica Ticinese, vol. 12, pp. 285-286, 1939  .
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Vicredi, L. , "Tombe protostoriche a S.Antonino", Rivista Storica Ticinese, vol. 8, pp. 190, 1938  .
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Vicredi, L. , "Le necropoli di Solduno", Rivista Storica Ticinese, vol. 3, pp. 49-53, 1938  .
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Whitehouse, R.D. , "Gender and Italian Archaeology ", Accordia Specialist Studies on Italy, vol. 7: London, 1998  .
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Whitehouse, R.D. , "Società ed economia nel neolitico italiano, la problematica dei fossati", La Preistoria del Basso Belice e della Sicilia Meridionale nel Quadro della Preistoria Siciliana e Mediterranea, Palermo, Società Siciliana per la Storia Patria Istituto di Archeologia - Facoltà di Lettere di Palermo, pp. 275-285, 1991.
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Whitehouse, R.D. , "Underground Religion. Cult and Culture in Prehistoric Italy", Accordia Specialist Studies on Italy, vol. 1: London, 1992  .
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Whitehouse, R.D. , "Social Organisation in the Neolithic of Southeast Italy", Early Settlement in the Western Mediterranean Islands and Their Peripheral Areas: DAMARC, pp. 1109-1133, 1984  .
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Whitehouse, R.D., Wilkins, J.B. , "The archaeology of water", Accordia research papers, vol. 14, 2014/2015.
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Windl, H.J., Lobisser, W.F.A., Blesl, C., Neugebauer, J.W., Wewerka, B., Artner, W., Hampel, U., Derndarsky, M., Larcher, A., Bietak, M., Krinzinger, F., Gassner, V., Schmitsberger, O. , Archäologie Österreichs, , vol. 10, issue 1, 1999  .
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Zoller, H., Erny-Rodmann, C.H. , "Epochen der Landschaftsentwicklung im Unterengadin", Festschrift Gerhard Lang. Beiträge zur Systematik und Evolution, Floristik und Geobotanik, Vegetationsgeschichte und Paläoökologie, Berlin/Stuttgart, pp. 565–581, 1994  .
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Zoller, H., Erny-Rodmann, C.H., Punchakunnel, P.V. , "The history of vegetation and land use in the lower Engadine (Switzerland). Pollen record of the last 13 000 years.", The Olocene, vol. 7, issue 3, Zernez, 1997.
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