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Mosna, E. , "Un po' di morfologia della Valle di Cembra (Avisio)", Studi Trentini di Scienze storiche, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 314-322, 1923  .
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Adami, G. , "Un anno di opera ricostruttiva nel Trentino redento", Studi Trentini di Scienze storiche, vol. 1, issue 3, pp. 207-222, 1920  .
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Inama, V. , "Una iscrizione romana inedita trovata a Romeno in Valle di Non", Archivio Trentino, vol. XIII, pp. 113-117, 1896.
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Cremaschi, M., Pizzi, C. , "Terramara Santa Rosa di Poviglio. Le strutture idrauliche al margine del Villaggio Grande (Scavi 1998-2011)", Origines. Studi e materiali pubblicati a cura dell'Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, vol. 35, Firenze, Edifir - Edizioni Firenze, 2021  .
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Magnini, L., Bettineschi, C., Burigana, L. , Traces of complexity. Studi in onore di Armando De Guio, , Quingentole (MN), SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l, 2021  .
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Pechtl, J., Limmer, B. , "Transalpine Contacts and Italian Influences on Southern Bavarian Neolithic (6th-3rd Millenium BC)", Rivista Di Scienze Preistoriche, vol. 70: IIPP, pp. 125-134, 2020  .
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Gatto, M.C. , "The Later Prehistory of Nubia in its Interregional Setting", Handbook of Ancient Nubia, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 259-291, 2019  .
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Mazzucco, N. , The Human Occupation of the Southern Central Pyrenees in the Sixth-Third Millennia cal BC. A traceological analysis of flaked stone assemblages, , Oxford, BAR International Series, 2018  .
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Wierer, U., Arringhi, S., Bertola, S., Kaufmann, G., Baumgarten, B., Pedrotti, A., Pernter, P. , "The Iceman’s lithic toolkit: Raw material, technology, typology and use", PLOS ONE, vol. 13: Public Library of Science, 20/06/2018.
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Stratton, S., Griffiths, S., Kogălniceanu, R., Simalcsik, A., Morintz, A., Ştefan, C.E., Dimitraşcu, V., Ramsey C.B., Nehlich, O., Beavan, N., Borić, D., Whittle, A. , "The emergence of extramural cemeteries in Neolithic southeast Europe: a formally modeled chronology for Cernica, Romania", Radiocarbon, vol. 61: Cambridge University Press, pp. 319-346, 2018  .
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Starnini, E., Biagi, P., Mazzucco, N. , "The beginning of the Neolithic in the Po Plain (nortern Italy): Problems and perspectives", Quaternary Inernational, vol. 47, pp. 301-317, 03/2017.
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Bogaard, A., Jacomet, S., Schibler, J. , "Towards an integrated bioarchaeological perspective on the central European Neolithic: understanding the pace and rhythm of social processes through comparative discussion of the western loess belt and Alpine foreland", The Neolithic of Europe: Papers in Honour of Alasdair Whittle, Oxford, Oxford Books, pp. 120-142, 2017  .
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Negrino F., Fontana F., Moroni A., Riel Salvatore J. [eds.], "The Paleolithic and Mesolithic in Italy: new research and perspectives", Primo Incontro annuale di Preistoria e Protostoria - IIPP: Università degli Studi di Genova, 04/02/2016. Abstract
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Earle, T., Ling J., Uhnér C., Stos-Gale Z., Melheim L. , "The Political Economy and Metal Trade in Bronze Age Europe: Understanding Regional Variability in Terms of Comparative Advantages and Articulations", European Journal of Archaeology, pp. 633-657, 2015  . Abstract
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Fowler, C., Harding, J., Hofmann, D. , "The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe: An Introduction.", The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 3-23, 2015  .
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Meyer, C., Lohr, C., Gronenborn, D., Alt, K.W. , "The Massacre Mass Grave of Schöneck-Kilianstädten Reveals New Insights into Collective Violence in Early Neolithic Central Europe", PNAS, vol. 112, issue 36: PNAS Press, pp. 11217-11222, 8/09/2015.
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Malone, C. , "The Neolithic in Mediterranean Europe", The Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 176-194, 2015  .
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Dal Prà, L., Giacomelli, L. , Tesori del passato, arte e storia in dieci anni di acquisizioni, , trento, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, pp. 448, 2014  .
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Baioni, M., Poggiani Keller, R. , "Third millenium BC ritual and burial prectices in Lombardy", Around the Petit-chasseur site in Sion (Valais, Switzerland) and new approaches to the bell beaker colture: proceedings of the International Conference, Sion (Switzerland), Oxford: Archeopress Archeology, pp. 87-100, 27/10/2011.
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Sauro, U., Migliavacca, M., Pavan, V., Saggioro, F., Azzetti, D. , Tracce di antichi pastori negli alti Lessini, , Verona, Tipolitografia La Grafica, 2013  .
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Marretta, A. , "The abstract mind. Valcamonica complex geometric compositions in the light of new discovers", Valcamonica Symposium - Art as a source of history. L'arte come sorgente di storia, 2013, Capo di Ponte (BS), Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, pp. 342-356, 2013  .
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Pearce, M. , "The radiocarbon chronology for the spread of the Neolithic in the Po valley", Rethinking the North Italian Early Neolithic, Specialist Studies on Italy, London, Accordia Research Institute, pp. 159-196 (incompleto), 2013  .
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Curzel, E., Varanini, G.M. , "Trentino Alto Adige Südtirol ", Santuari d'Italia, 2012  .
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Morciano, M.M. , "Templi capitolini nella Regio I (Latium et Campania)", B.A.R. International Series, vol. 2343, Oxford, pp. 115, 2012  .
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Chrysanthi, A., Murrieta Flores, P., Papadopoulos, C. , "Thinking beyond the Tool. Archaeological computibng and the interpretative process", B.A.R. International Series, vol. 2344, Oxford, pp. 214, 2012  .
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