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Kozlowski, S.K. , Le Paléolithique final entre les Carpates et l' Oural, , Talence, pp. 837-845, 1977  .
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Kozlowski, S.K., Burdukiewicz, J.M. , Les études sur le Mésolithique en Europe (IV) Les pointes PB et PC, , Kobenhavn, pp. 212-218, 1977  .
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Dolukhanov, P.M., Kozlowski, J., Kozlowski, S. [eds.], Multivariate analysis of upper paleolithic and mesolithic stone assemblages - Typology and ecology, , Warszawa, Uniw.Jagiellonski, 1980  .
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Camps-Fabrer, H., Laurent, P., Cabrera Valdes, V., Aguirre, E., Delpech, F., Delporte, H., Poplin, F., Roussot, A., Deffarges, P., Albrecht, G., Clement, G., Fritz, M.C., Julien, M., Otte, M., Kozlowski, S., Dewez, M., Stordeur, D., Desse, J., Bouchud, J. , "Méthodologie appliquée à l'industrie de l'os préhistorique", Colloque international sur l'industrie de l'os dans la préhistoire , 2, vol. 568, Abbaye de Sénanque, Vancluse, 09/06/1976.
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Kozlowski, J.K. [eds.], Origin of the chipped stone industries of the early farming cultures in Balkans, , Warszawa, pp. 7-170, 1982  .
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Kozlowski, J.K. , Preistoria - Un'enciclopedia d'orientamento, , Milano, Jaca Book, 1993  .
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Kozlowski, J.K. [eds.], Preistoria dell'arte orientale europea, , Milano, Jaca Book, 1992  .
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Kozlowski, J.K., Kozlowski, S.K. [eds.], "Préhistoire de la grande plaine de l'Europe", Préhistoire de la Grande Plaine de l'Europe, Actes du Colloque International, vol. I, Warszawa, University Iagellonian, 1981  .
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Kozlowski, R. [eds.], Palaeontologia polonica, results of the polish-mongolian palaeontological expeditions-part III, , Warszawa, Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska, 1971  .
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Kozlowski, S.K. , Quelques Remarques sur le Brommien, , Kobenhavn, 1975  .
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Kozlowski, S.K., Dalmeri, G. , "Riparo Gaban: the Mesolithic layers", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 36 (2000): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 3-42, 2002  .
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Kozlowski, S.K. , Studies on the european Mesolithic (II) Rectangles, rhomboids and trapezoids in Northwestern Europe, , Wetteren, 1976  .
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Kozlowski, S.K. , Studies on the european Mesolithic (II) Rectangles, rhomboids and trapezoids in Northwestern Europe, , Wetteren, 1976  .
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Kozlowski, J.K., Raczky, P. [eds.], The Lengyel, Polgár and related cultures in the Middle/Late Neolithic in Central Europe, , 2007  .
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S.K. Kozlowski, C.Tozzi , "The Mesolithic", XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 7, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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Kozlowski, S.K. , "The West Carpathians and Sudeten at the end of the Upper Palaeolithic", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 28/2 (1992): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 127-137, 1995  .
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Broglio, A., Kozlowski, S.K. , "Tipologia ed evoluzione delle industrie mesolitiche di Romagnano III.", Preistoria Alpina - Atti della Tavola Rotonda Internazionale - Il popolamento delle Alpi in età mesolitica VIII - V millennio a.c., vol. 19 (1983), Trento, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 93-148, 1983.
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Kozlowski, J.K. , The problEmil of the so-called danubian Mesolithic, , Warszawa, University Press, pp. 315-330, 1973  .
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Kozlowski, J.K., Kozlowski, S.K. [eds.], Upper palaeolithic and mesolithic in Europe - Taxonomy and palaeohistorty -, , pp. 7-179, 1979  .
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Kozlowski, J.K., Kozlowski, S.K. [eds.], Upper paleolithic and mesolithic in Europe - Taxonomy and palaeohistorty -, , pp. 7-179, 1979  .
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Kozlowski, J.K., Kozlowski, S.K. [eds.], Upper paleolithic and mesolithic in Europe - Taxonomy and palaeohistorty -, , pp. 7-179, 1979  .
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