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Kaczanowska, M., Kozlowski, J., Pawlikowski, M. , Additional Research on Flint Raw Material from the southern part of the Cracow-Czestochowa Upland, , vol. XIX, pp. 179-187, 1979  .
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Kaczanowska, M., Kozlowski, J.K., Makkay, J. , Flint hoard from Endrod, site 39, Hungary (Koros Culture), , vol. XXI, pp. 105-117, 1981  .
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Kaczanowska, M. , Rohstoffe, technik und typologie der Neolithischen feuersteinindustrien im nordteil des flussgebietes der Mitteldonau., , Varsavia, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1985  .
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