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Bietti, A., Grimaldi, S. , "Reduction processes for the european mousterian.", Quaternaria Nova, vol. 6, 1996  .
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Grimaldi, S. , "Recensione a: Raw material economies among prehistoric hunter-gatherers, ", Quaternaria Nova, no. NuovaSerie, pp. 361-366, 1993  .
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Grimaldi, S., Lemorini, C. , "Retouche specialisee et/ou chaine de ravivage? Les racloirs mousteriens de grotta breuil", Eraul, vol. 50, pp. 67-78, 1993  .
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Grimaldi, S. , "Structuring a settlement model for the early Mesolithic in north-eastern Italy", Mountain environments in prehistoric Europe: settlement and mobility strategies from the Palaeolithic to the early Bronze Age, Lisboa, British Archaeological Reports, 4-9 september 2006.
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Alhaique, F., Bietti, A., Capasso Barbato, L., Grimaldi, S., Kotsakis, T., Kuhn, S., Lemorini, C., Manzi, G., Recchi, A., Schwarcz, H., Stiner, M. , "Settlement patterns and subsistence strategies in the late mousterian site of grotta Breuil", XIII UISPP, Forlì, 1998  .
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Bietti, A., Grimaldi, S. , "Small flint pebbles and mousterian reduction chaines: the case of southern latium.", Quaternaria Nova, no. NuovaSerie, pp. 237-260, 1996  .
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Cavulli, F., Grimaldi, S. , "To see or not To see: archaeological data and surface visibility as seen by an AIS (Archaeological Information System) approach", Proceedings of the XXXIII Computer Application and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Tomar, Portugal, CAA Portugal, pp. 413-422, 21-24 March 2005 .
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Cavulli, F., Grimaldi, S., Pedrotti, A., Angelucci, D.E. , "Toward a comprehension of archaeological visibility: the case study of Trentino region (Southern Alps).", Hidden Landscapes of Mediterranean Europe: Cultural and methodological biases in pre- and protohistoric landscape studies, Siena, 25-27 May 2007.
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Grimaldi, S., Cura, S. , "The quartzite exploitation in a middle pleistocene open air site: Ribeira da Ponte da Pedra (Portugal)", International Workshop 15 “Technology analysis on quartzite exploitation", Lisboa, Archaeopress, 4-9 september 2006.
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Grimaldi, S., Spinapolice, E. , "The late Mousterian of Grotta Breuil (Monte Circeo, Lazio, Italy): interpreting new and ancient data", International Conference “Middle Palaeolithic Human Activity and Paleoecology: New Discoveries and Ideas”, Wroclaw, 22-24 June 2006.
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Rosina, P., Cura, S., Grimaldi, S. , "The Middle – Upper Pleistocene open air site of Ribeira da Ponte da Pedra (Midlle Tagus Basin, Central Portugal)", International Colloquium 39 “Lower Paleolithic: short and long chronologies, lithic industries linear evolution models, transition to the middle Palaeolithic, Lisboa, Archaeopress, 4-9 september 2006.
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Oosterbeek, L., Cruz, A.R., Rosina, P., Figueiredo, A., Grimaldi, S. , "TEMPOAR: territorios e mobilidade e povoamento no Alto Ribatejo (Portugal)", Arkeos, vol. 12, pp. 261-322, 2002  .
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Grimaldi, S., Lemorini, C. , "Technology and microwear: the predetermined flakes of the mousterian site of grotta breuil", Monographs in World Archeology, vol. 23, pp. 143-156, 1995  .
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Grimaldi, S. , "Un tentativo di definire un modello di territorio e mobilità per i cacciatori", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 41 (2005): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 73-88, 2006  .
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Grimaldi, S., Rosina, P., Boton, F. , "Um sitio ao ar livre do Pleistoceno medio no Alto Ribatejo: Fonte da Moita", Paleolitico da Peninsula Iberica, Vila Real, pp. 123-136, 1999  .
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