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Gallay, A., Kaenel, G. , "Sitten und seine Umgebung während der Bronze- und Eisenzeit.", Das Wallis vor der Geschichte. 14000 v. Chr. - 47 n. Chr., Sitten, pp. 254-265, 1986  .
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Gallay, A. , "Stratigraphie des dépôts du Tardiglaciaire et de l'Holocène ancien en Valais (Suisse)", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 19 (1983): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 63-74, 1983.
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Gallay, A. , "Stèles néolithiques et problématique archéologique.", Archives suisses anthropologie générale, Genève, vol. 42, issue 2, Genève, pp. 75-103, 1978  .
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Vanzetti, A., Vidale, M., Gallinaro, M., Frayer, D.W., Bondioli, L. , "The iceman as a burial.", Antiquity, vol. 84, issue 325: Cambridge University Press, pp. 681-692, 2010  .
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Gallina, D. , "Tecniche costruttive e tipologie dell'architettura bassomedievale nei paesi del Sebino bresciano e bergamasco", Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi, vol. 17: Civico Museo Archeologico di Bergamo, pp. 47-138, 2009  .
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Galandini, F., Galli, P., Bassetti, M., Di Stefano, S. , "The displaced roman building of Egna (Adige Valley), Northern Italy.", Il Quaternario, vol. 10, issue 2, pp. 407-410, 1997  .
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Gallay, A. , "The western Alps from 2500 to 1500 b. c. (3400-2500 B.C.) Traditions and cultural changes.", The Journal Indo-european Studies, vol. 9, issue 1, 2, 1981  .
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Gallay, A. , "The position of the Bell-Beaker civilization in the chronological sequence of Petit-Chasseur (Sion, Valais, Switzerland).", Glockenbecher Symposion Oberried 1974, Bussum/Haarlem, pp. 279-306, 1976  .
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Gallay, A., Olive, P. , "Une phase du Néolithique ancien en Suisse romande.", Trav. Soc. Suisse Prehistoire e Archeologie, Fribourg, 1982  .
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Gallay, A. , "Un bilan de nos connaissances sur els terrasses lémaniques. En guise d'introduzione.", uisses Antrhrop. génér., vol. 45, issue 2, Genève, pp. 105-106, 1981  .
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Gallay, A. , "Viehzucht und Ackerbau.", Das Wallis vor der Geschichte, Sitten, pp. 84–87, 1986  .
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