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Barfield, L.H. , "Vasi campaniformi nel Mediterraneo centrale: problemi attuali", undefined, Palermo, Soc. siciliana per la storia patria, Istituto di archeologia- Facoltà di Lettere Palermo, pp. 439-460, 1994  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The exploitation of flint in the Monti Lessini, Northern Italy.", Stories in Stone, Lithic studies society occasional paper, vol. 4, Oxford, Ashton & David, pp. 71-82, 1993  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "Wessex with and without Mycenae: new evidence from Switzerland", Antiquity, vol. 65, issue 246, pp. 102-107, 1991  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The lithic factor: a study of the relationship betweevn stone sources and human settlement in the Monti Lessini and the southern Alps.", Monografie di Natura bresciana, vol. 13, Brescia, pp. 147-157, 1990  .
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Barfield, L.H. [eds.], Recent work on sources of Italian flint, , Brighton, G. Steveking and M.H. Newcomer, pp. 231-239, 1987  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "Sir William Hamilton's Chalcolithic Collection.", Italian Iron Age Artefacts in the British Museum., London, Judith Swaddling, pp. 229-233, 1986  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "Calcolithic Burial in Northern Italy-Problems of social interpretation.", Dialoghi di Archeologia, vol. 2, pp. 241-248, 1986  .
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Barfield, L.H. [eds.], "Burials and boundaries in Calcolithic Italy.", The Cambridge Conference, vol. II, Oxford, Caroline Malone and Simon Stottard, pp. 152-175, 1985  .
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Barfield, L.H. , Il Calcolitico alla luce degli scavi del Sasso di Manerba., , Como, 1984  .
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Barfield, L.H. , Recent work on sources of Italian flint., , Brighton, pp. 231 - 238, 1983  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The chalcolithic cemetery at Manerba del Garda.", Antiquity, vol. 57, pp. 116-123, 1983  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The calcolithic cemetery at Manerba del Garda.", Antiquity, vol. 57, pp. 116-123, 1983  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The Chalcolithic of Northern Italy in the context of third millenium Europe: questions of basic theory.", Interaction and acculturation in the Mediterranean, vol. 2, Amsterdam, Jan G.P. Best & Nanny M.W. de Vries, pp. 19-31, 1982  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The Chalcolithic of Northern Italy in the context of third millenium Europe: questions of basic theory.", Interaction and acculturation in the Mediterranean, vol. 2, Amsterdam, Jan G.P. Best & Nanny M.W. de Vries, pp. 19-31, 1982  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "Manerba del Garda (Brescia), loc. Sasso Riparo Valtenesi. Necropoli eneolitica.", Soprintendenza Archeologica della Lombardia, Notiziario., pp. 18-20, 1982.
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Barfield, L.H. , L'Eneolitico e l'antica Età del Bronzo in Lombardia., , Milano, pp. 139-156, 1980.
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Barfield, L.H. [eds.], "patterns of north italian trade 5000-2000 b.C.", The Cambridge Conference, Oxford, Grame Barker and Richard Hodgs, 1981  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "Patterns of North Italia Trade 5000 -2000 B.C.", Archaeology and Italian Society. Prehistoric, Roman and Medieval Studies, Oxford, pp. 27-51, 1981  .
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Barfield, L.H. , L' Eneolitico e l' antica età del Bronzo in Lombardia., , Milano, 1980  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "Eneolitico.", Preistoria nel Bresciano. La cultura materiale., Brescia, Grafo, pp. 35-44, 1978.
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Barfield, L.H. , "Riparo Val Tenesi, Manerba. Scavi 1976.", Benàcus, Salò, Museo Civ. Salò, 1978  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The excavation of a mesolithic site at Gerrards Cross, Bucks.", Records of Bucks, vol. 20, issue 3, pp. 308-336, 1977  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The Beaker Culture in Italy.", British Archaeological Reports, Supplementary Series, vol. 26, 1977  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The Beaker Culture in Italy.", British Archaeological Reports, Supplementary Series, vol. 26, Oxford, 1977  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "Carbon C-14 dating", Notiziario di preistoria e archeologia, vol. 13, pp. 74-75, 1977  .
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