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PublicationsFound 4 results Filters: author is Capasso [Clear All Filters] S
"Settlement patterns and subsistence strategies in the late mousterian site of grotta Breuil",
XIII UISPP, Forlì, 1998 .
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"Nuovi risultati sul Musteriano finale di Grotta Breuil.",
XI Congresso degli Antropologi Italiani. L'adattamento umano all'ambiente., Isernia, Abaco, 1996 .
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"Mammal Faunal Turnover in Italy from the Middle Pliocene to the Holocene",
Mededelingen Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO, 1998.
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Die Gletschermumie aus der Kupferzeit. La mummia dell'età del Rame. (1),
, Bolzano, Folio, pp. 125, 1999 .
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