Found 89 results N.D.
Wierer, U., Arringhi, S., Bertola, S., Kaufmann, G., Baumgarten, B., Pedrotti, A., Pernter, P. ,
"The Iceman’s lithic toolkit: Raw material, technology, typology and use",
PLOS ONE, vol. 13: Public Library of Science, 20/06/2018.
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Angelucci, D.E., Casagrande, L., Colecchia, A., Rottoli, M. [eds.],
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Primerano, D., Scarrocchia, A. ,
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Perla Pino ,
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Dickson, J.D., Oeggl, K., Handley, L.L. ,
"The Iceman Reconsidered",
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Moscadelli, A., Giorgio, S. ,
"L'Opera di S. Maria di Siena tra XII e XIII",
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Rollo, F., Ubaldi, M., Ermini, L., Marota, I. ,
"Ötzi's last meals: DNA analysis of the intestinal content of the Neolithic glacier mummy from the Alps.",
PNAS, vol. 99, issue 20, 2002 .
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Fowler, B. ,
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Oeggl, K. ,
"Where does the Ice Man come from?",
Preistoria Alpina, vol. 35 (1999): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 77-85, 2000 .
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Fleckinger, A., Moser, H., Stampfer, H., Fowler, B., Gaber, O., De Stefano, G.F., Capasso, L., Spindler, K., Leitner, W., Bortenschlager, S., Oeggl, K., Mello, E., Perrucca, G., Romussi, W., Angelantoni, C. ,
Die Gletschermumie aus der Kupferzeit. La mummia dell'età del Rame. (1),
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