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PublicationsFound 10 results Filters: keyword is indo [Clear All Filters] 2001
"Le radici prime dell'Europa. Gli intrecci genetici, linguistici, storici",
Sintesi, pp. 389, 2001 .
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"Iron copper and tin at Baratti, Populonia: smelting processes and metal provenances",
Historical metallurgy. The Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society, vol. 34, issue 2: Historical Metallurgy Society, pp. 67-76, 2000 .
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"IDRISI for Windows: a Catalyst for New Developements",
IDRISI News, vol. 7, issue 2, pp. 1-7, 1996 .
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"Über archäologie und Ursprung der Indogermanen",
Whiter Archaeology, Praha, Martin Kuna and Natalie Venclova, pp. 211-220, 1995 .
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"Das Ende Altereuropas. Der Einfall von Steppennomaden aus Sudrussland und die Indogermanisierung Mitteleuropas",
Archaeolingua - Series Minor, no. 6, Budapest, pp. 1-135, 1994 .
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"Actes du XII Congrès International des Sciences Prèhistoriques et Protohistoriques Bratislava 1991",
Actes du XII Congrès International des Sciences Prèhistoriques et Protohistoriques Bratislava 1991, vol. 2: Institut archèologique de l'Academie Slovaque des Sciences,Nitra, pp. 570, 1-7/09/1991.
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"La storia antica delle lingue indoeuropee",
Le Scienze. Edizione italiana di Scientific American, vol. 261, pp. 76-82, 1990 .
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"Le origini delle lingue indoeuropee",
Le Scienze, vol. 256: Scientific American, pp. 98-106, 1989 .
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"Lindow Man: An Ancient Body from a Cheshire Bog, England",
European Wetlands in Prehistory, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987 .
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"Gli antecedenti della civiltà dell'Indo",
Le Scienze, vol. 146, pp. 76-88, 1980 .
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