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Frieman, C.J. , "European Journal of Archaeology", European Journal of Archaeology, vol. 24, issue 3: Bell & Bain Ltd (UK), 2021.
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Frieman, C.J. , "European Journal of Archaeology", European Journal of Archaeology, vol. 24, issue 1: Bell & Bain Ltd (UK), 2021.
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Frieman, C.J. , "European Journal of Archaeology", European Journal of Archaeology, vol. 24, issue 2: Bell & Bain Ltd (UK), 2021  .
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Biagi, P., Starnini, E., Boric, D., Mazzucco, N. , "Early Neolithic Settlements of the Po Plain (Northern Italy), Vhò And Related Sites", Documenta Praehistorica, vol. 47: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts – Department of Archeology, pp. 192-221, 2020  .
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Pechtl, J., Limmer, B. , "Transalpine Contacts and Italian Influences on Southern Bavarian Neolithic (6th-3rd Millenium BC)", Rivista Di Scienze Preistoriche, vol. 70: IIPP, pp. 125-134, 2020  .
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Kačar, S. , "Impressed Ware blade production of Northern Dalmatia (Eastern Adriatic, Croatia) in the context of Neolithisation", Documenta Prehistorica, vol. 46: Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts, pp. 352-374, 2019  .
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Cassen, S., Rodríguez-Rellán, C., Fábregas Valcarce, R., Grimaud V., Pailler, Y., Schulz Paulsson, B. , "Real and ideal European maritime transfers along the Atlantic coast during the Neolithic", Documenta Praehistorica, vol. 46: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts – Department of Archeology, pp. 308-325, 2019  .
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Perrin, T., Manen, C., Valdeyron, N., Guilaine, J. , "Beyond the sea… The Neolithic transition in the southwest of France", Quaternary International, vol. 470: International Union for Quaternary Research, pp. 318-332, 26/05/2017.
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Stratton, S., Griffiths, S., Kogălniceanu, R., Simalcsik, A., Morintz, A., Ştefan, C.E., Dimitraşcu, V., Ramsey C.B., Nehlich, O., Beavan, N., Borić, D., Whittle, A. , "The emergence of extramural cemeteries in Neolithic southeast Europe: a formally modeled chronology for Cernica, Romania", Radiocarbon, vol. 61: Cambridge University Press, pp. 319-346, 2018  .
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Gerling, C., Doppler, T., Heyd, V., Knipper, C., Kuhn, T., Lehmann, M.F., Pike, A.W.G., Schibler, J. , "High resolution isotopic evidence of specialized cattle herding in the European Neolithic", PLOS ONE, vol. 12, issue 7, 26/07/2017.
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AA.VV. , "Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Urgeschichte - Römerzeit - Frühmittelalter.", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 47-1: Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2017.
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AA.VV. , "Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Urgeschichte - Römerzeit - Frühmittelalter.", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 47-2: Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2017.
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Van Willigen, S. , "Les Premiers Objets en Cuivre au Sud at à l’ouest del Alpes", Jade, vol. 4: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, pp. 911-931, 2017  .
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Bogaard, A., Jacomet, S., Schibler, J. , "Towards an integrated bioarchaeological perspective on the central European Neolithic: understanding the pace and rhythm of social processes through comparative discussion of the western loess belt and Alpine foreland", The Neolithic of Europe: Papers in Honour of Alasdair Whittle, Oxford, Oxford Books, pp. 120-142, 2017  .
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Kotova, N., Stadler, P. , "Verbreitung und Herkunft der früneolithischen Idole von Brunn am Gebirge, Flur Wolfholz", Beiträge zum Tag der Niederösterreichischen Landesarchäologie. Festschrift für Ernst Lauermann: Museum für Urgeschichte des Landes Niederösterreich, pp. 106-121, 2017  .
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AA.VV. , "Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Urgeschichte - Römerzeit - Frühmittelalter.", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 46-1: Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2016.
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AA.VV. , "Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Urgeschichte - Römerzeit - Frühmittelalter.", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 46-2: Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2016.
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Caletti, C.C. , "Çatalhöyük: la Frontiera dell’approccio Riflessivo di Ian Hodder", Acme - Annali della Facoltà di Studi Umanistici dell'Università degli Studi di Milano, vol. 68, issue 2: Milano University Press (online) / Ledizione (stampa), pp. 137-158, 2016  .
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Bartelhaim, M. , "Die Mischung macht’s. Innovation Bronze", 4000 Jahre Pfahlbauten: Begleitband zur Großen Landesausstellung Baden-Württemberg: Jan Thorbecke Verlag , pp. 384-387, 2016  .
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Günther, T., Jakobsson, M. , "Genes Mirror Migrations and Cultures in Prehistoric Europe: a Population Genomic Perspective", Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, vol. 41: Elsevier, pp. 115-123, 2016  .
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Jeunesse, C. , "Spatial Organization in European Neolithic Settlements: Examples of the Central-European Danubian Neolithic (5600-3600 BC)", Musaica Archaeologica, vol. 2: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta, pp. 7-26, 2016  .
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Matuschik, I., Merkl, M., Strahm, C. , "Von grosser Tragweite", 4000 Jahre Pfahlbauten: Begleitband zur Großen Landesausstellung Baden-Württemberg: Jan Thorbecke Verlag , pp. 379-383, 2016  .
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Krauß, R., Schmid, C., Ciobotaru, D., Slavchev, V. , "Varna und die Folgen – Überlegungen su den Ockergräbern zwischen Kerpatenbecken und der nördlichen Ägäis", Von Baden bis Troia – Ressourcennutzung, Metallurgie und Wissenstransfer. Eine Festschrift für Ernst Pernicka: Verlag Marie Leidorf, pp. 273-315, 2016  .
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Meyer, C., Lohr, C., Gronenborn, D., Alt, K.W. , "The Massacre Mass Grave of Schöneck-Kilianstädten Reveals New Insights into Collective Violence in Early Neolithic Central Europe", PNAS, vol. 112, issue 36: PNAS Press, pp. 11217-11222, 8/09/2015.
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AA.VV. , "Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Urgeschichte - Römerzeit - Frühmittelalter.", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 45-1: Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2015.
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