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Sotiropoulou, S. , "La pourpre dans l’art cycladique: identification du pigment dans les peintures murales d’Akrotiri (Théra, Grèce)", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 40.2 (2004): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 167-176, 2006  .
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Doumas, C. , Cycladic Art, , London, British Museum, pp. 7-167, 1993  .
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Zimmermann, J.L. , Poèmes de marbre. Sculptures Cycladiques du Musée Barbier-Mueller., , Genève, Musée Barbier-Mueller, pp. 179, 1993  .
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Getz-Preziosi, P. , Sculptors of the Cyclades, Individual and Tradition in the Third Millennium B.C., : The University of Michigan Press, 1987  .
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Getz-Preziosi, P. [eds.], Early Cycladic Sculpture. An introduction., , Malibu,California, The J.Paul Getty Museum, 1985  .
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