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Nature Publishing Group , Nature, The International Weekly Journal Of Science, , 2015  .
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Berger, J., Guilaine, J. , "The 8200cal BP Abrupt Environmental Change and the Neolithic Transition: a Mediterranean Perspective", Quaternary International , vol. 200: International Union for Quaternary Research, pp. 31-49, 2/07/2008.
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Marín Arroyo, A.B. , "Demografía y cambio ambiental. Hipótesis para el cambio económico en el Cantabrico Oriental durante el Tardiglacial. Demography and environmental change. A model for the economic change in Eastern Cantabria during the Late Glacial", Complutum, vol. 19, pp. 47-66, 2008  .
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Robb, J. , The Early Mediterranean Village. Agency, Material Culture, and Social Change in Neolithic Italy, , U.S.A., Cambridge University Press, 2007  .
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Gronenborn, D., Petrasch, J. , "The Spread of the Neolithic to Central Europe", Internationale Tagung. Die Neolothisierung Mitteleuropas, Mainz, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (RGZM), pp. 2-23, 24-26/06/2005.
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Gutherz, X., Jallot, L., Bordreuil, M. , "Âge du cuivre et changements sociaux en Languedoc méditerranéen", Le premiere metallurgie en France et dans les pays limitrophes, vol. XXXVII, Parigi, Société préhistorique française, pp. 119-130, 2005  .
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Schoeneich, P. , "Que s'est-il passè pendant la premiere partie du Tardiglaciaire? Indices d'un changement écologique majeur dés 17-18.000 cal BP", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 39 (2003): Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 9-17, 2005  .
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