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Dörtlük, K., Kahya, T., Boyraz Seyhan, R., Ertekin, T., Can, E. , ANMED. Anadolu Akdenizi Arkeoloji Haberleri 2016-14. News of Archaeology from Anatolia's Mediterranean Areas, , Antalya, Zero Prodüksiyon Ltd., 2016  .
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Dörtlük, K., Kahya, T., Boyraz Seyhan, R., Ertekin, T. , Adalya, , vol. XIX: ADALYA, Suna-Inan Kirac Akdeniz Mdeneiyetleri Arastirma Enstitusu, 2016  .
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Dörtlük, K., Kahya, T., Boyraz Seyhan, R., Ertekin, T. , ANMED. Anadolu Akdenizi Arkeoloji Haberleri 2015-13. News of Archaeology from Anatolia's Mediterranean Areas, , Antalya, Zero Prodüksiyon Ltd., 2015  .
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Schwarzberg, H. , Durch menschliche Kunst und Gedanken gemacht: Studien zur anthropomorphen Gefäßkeramik des 7. bis 5. vorchristlichen Jahrtausends , , vol. 1, Monaco, Verlag Marie leidorf GmbH, 2012  .
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Peretto Carlo [eds.], "The workshops and posters of the XIII international congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences Forlì (Italia) 8-14 September 1996", XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences Forlì -Italia- 8/14 September 1996, vol. 2 , Forlì, Abaco, pp. 400, 8/09/1996.
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Zaffanella Gian Carlo , Anatolia esplorazioni archeologiche, , vol. I, Montagnana, 1993  .
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H. Muller-Karpe [eds.], "les débuts de la métallurgie", IX Congrès de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Nice, 13/09/1976.
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Höckmann, O. , "Frühe Keramik aus Anatolien im RGZM", Jahrbuch des Römisch-Germanischen zentralmuseums Mainz, vol. 18: Römisch-Germanischen zentralmuseums mainz, pp. 211-225, 1971  .
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Anati, E. , "Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici", Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, vol. 5 (1970): Edizioni del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, pp. 227, 1970  .
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