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Benvenuti, M., Mascaro, I., Costagliola, P., Tanelli, G., Romualdi, A. , "Iron copper and tin at Baratti, Populonia: smelting processes and metal provenances", Historical metallurgy. The Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society, vol. 34, issue 2: Historical Metallurgy Society, pp. 67-76, 2000  .
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AA.VV. [eds.], Arkaeologi Emneuge om Fortidens Spor Brogarden., , Brogarden, 1985  .
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Bosscha Erdbrink, D.P. , "Red Deer Keratic Artefacts in Dutch Collections.", Berichten Rijksdienst Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek, vol. 32, pp. 103-137, 1982  .
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Edgren, B., Trotzig, G., Wegraeus, E. [eds.], Eketorp: das befestigte Dorf auf Oland, , 1981  .
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