Found 55 results N.D.
Vanzetti, A., Vidale, M., Gallinaro, M., Frayer, D.W., Bondioli, L. ,
"The iceman as a burial.",
Antiquity, vol. 84, issue 325: Cambridge University Press, pp. 681-692, 2010 .
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Holden, C. ,
"Isotopic Data Pinpoint Iceman's Origins",
Science, vol. 302, pp. 759-760, 31 ottobre 2003.
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Müller, W., Fricke, H., Halliday, A.N., McCulloch, M.T., Wartho, J.-A. ,
"Origin and migration of the Alpine Iceman.",
Science, vol. 302, pp. 862-865, 31 ottobre 2003.
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Perla Pino ,
"archeologia viva",
Archeologia Viva, vol. 100, 2003 .
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Perla Pino ,
"archeologia viva",
Archeologia viva, vol. 102, 2003 .
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Rollo, F., Ubaldi, M., Ermini, L., Marota, I. ,
"Ötzi's last meals: DNA analysis of the intestinal content of the Neolithic glacier mummy from the Alps.",
PNAS, vol. 99, issue 20, 2002 .
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Pedrotti, A. ,
"Bevölkerungs- und Besiedlungsbild des Spätneolithikums im Trentino/Südtirol / Population and settlement situation of the Late Neolithic period in Trentino/South Tyrol.",
Atti del Convegno "Mensch und Umwelt während des Neolithikums und der Frühbronzezeit in Mitteleuropa" / Atti del Convegno "People and their Enviroment during the Neolithic and Bronze Age in Central Europe", Lippert, A.; Schultz,M.; Shennan, S.; Teschler-Nicola, M. (Eds.) , vol. I, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Wien, Verlag Marie Leidorf, pp. 105-118, 9-12 novembre1995.
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Pedrotti, A. ,
"Der Eisman und die erste Metallurgie im Alpenraum.",
Summer School 17 settembre 2001, Trento, Dipartimento di Scienze Filologiche e Storiche Universität Trient., pp. 10, 2001 .
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Fleckinger, A., Moser, H., Stampfer, H., Fowler, B., Gaber, O., De Stefano, G.F., Capasso, L., Spindler, K., Leitner, W., Bortenschlager, S., Oeggl, K., Mello, E., Perrucca, G., Romussi, W., Angelantoni, C. ,
Die Gletschermumie aus der Kupferzeit. La mummia dell'età del Rame. (1),
, Bolzano, Folio, pp. 125, 1999 .
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