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Merkli, C., Sartori, G., Mirabella, A., Egli, M., Mancabelli, A., Plötze, M. , "The soils in the Brenta region: chemical and mineralogical characteristics and their relation to landscape evolution", Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, vol. 85, pp. 7-22, 2009  .
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Merkli, C., Sartori, G., Mirabella, A., Egli, M., Mancabelli, A., Plötze, M. , "Weathering, mineralogical evolution and soil organic matter along a Holocene soil toposequence developed on carbonate-rich materials ", Geomorphology, vol. 97, issue 3-4, pp. 675-696 , 2008  .
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Egli, M., Mirabella, A., Sartori, G., Giaccai, D., Zanelli, R., Plötze, M. , "Effect of slope aspect on transformation of clay minerals in Alpine soils", Clay minerals, vol. 42, pp. 373-398, 2007  .
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