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Favilli, F., Egli, M., Brandová, D., Ivy-Ochs, S., Kubik, P.W., Maisch, M., Cherubini, P., Haeberli, W. , "Combination of numerical dating techniques using 10be in rock boulders and 14C of resilient soil organic matter for reconstructing the chronology of glacial and periglacial processes in a high alpine catchment during the late Pleistocene and early Holocen", Radiocarbon, vol. 51, issue 2, pp. 537-552, 2009  .
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Furrer, G., Burga, C.A., Gamper, M., Holzhauser, H.P., Maisch, M. , "Zur Gletscher-, Vegetations- und Klimageschichte der Schweiz seit der Späteiszeit", Geographica Helvetica , vol. 42, pp. 61–91, 1987  .
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Maisch, M. , "Zur Gletscher- und Klimageschichte des alpinen Spätglazials", Geograph. Helvetica, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 93–104, 1982  .
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