Found 4 results 2000
Peretto, C., Carbonell, E., Cruz Gomez da Pinto, A.R., Darlas, A., De Lumley, H., Fontana, F., Giunchi, C., Goren-Inbar, N., Thun Hohenstein, U. ,
"Migration and diffusion of hominids and anatomically modern humans in the Mediterranean basin in early prehistory: palaeoenvironments, routes, settlements, subsistence",
Rivista di antropologia, vol. 78: Italian Institute of Anthropology, pp. 237-242, 2000 .
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Peretto, C., Andreoni, C., Giunchi, C., Zavatti, I. [eds.],
Oltre la pietra Modelli e tecnologie per capire la Preistoria,
, vol. 3 , Forlì, Abaco, pp. 323, 13/09/1996.
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