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PublicationsFound 18 results Filters: author is Clark [Clear All Filters] 1996
"The Prehistory of Africa",
XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 15, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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"Excavation at Pre Alta, Trentino, Northern Italy",
Cambridge Archaeological Journal, vol. 2: Cambridge University, pp. 254-262, 1992 .
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"La Riera Cave: Stone Age Hunter-Gatherer Adaptations in Northern Spain",
Journal of Anthropological Research, vol. 43, issue 4: University of New Mexico Stable, pp. 376-378, 1987 .
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"The faunal remains from the neolithic contexts at Casalmoro (S. Maria Segreta, Mantova)",
Preistoria Alpina, vol. 20 (1984), Trento, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 249-254, 1984.
Export: ENW XML BibTex Download: 17_Clark G. 1984_PA20_The faunal remains from the neolithic contexts at Casalmoro_IMM&OCR.pdf 1984
"The fauna remains from Fiavè: pastoralism, nutrition and butchery.",
Scavi Archeologici nella Zona Palafitticola di Fiavè-Carera. 1: Campagne 1969-1976. Situazione dei depositi e dei resti strutturali, vol. 1, Trento, Provioncia Autonoma di Trento, pp. 423-445, 1984 .
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"The faunal material from S. Salvatore, Ostiano (Cremona)",
Preistoria Alpina, vol. 18 (1982), Trento, Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 197-203, 1982.
Export: ENW XML BibTex Download: Clark G. 1982_PA18_The faunal material from S.Salvatore, Ostiano_IMM&OCR2.pdf
"Boreal phase settlement/subsistence models for Cantabrian Spain ",
Hunter Gatherer Economy in Prehistory. A European Perspective. : Cambridge University Press, pp. 96-110, 1983 .
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The Asturian of Cantabria. Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherers in Northern Spain.,
: University of Arizona Press, pp. 171, 1983 .
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A preliminary report on the faunal material from S. Salvatore, Ostiano,
, Sheffield, 1980 .
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"Prehistoric resource utilization in early Holocene Cantabrian Spain.",
Antropology UCLA, vol. 10, pp. 53-96, 1980 .
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"Prehistoric Investigations in Cantabrian Spain",
Journal of Field Archaeology, vol. 5: Boston University, pp. 289-317, 1978 .
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"les plus anciennes industries en afrique "the earlier industries of Africa"",
IX Congrès de l'Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Nice, imprimerie Louis-Jean, 13/09/1976.
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"Colloque V: les plus anciennes industries en Afrique",
Colloque V: les plus anciennes industries en Afrique, Nice, 1976 .
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El Asturiense Cantábrico.,
: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Instituto Espanol de Prehistoria, 1976 .
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El Hombre Y su Ambiente A Comienzos Del Holoceno En La Region Cantabrica. Los Cazadores-Recolectores Asturienses.,
: Departemento de Antropologia, 1975 .
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"El Asturiense de Cantabria: bases sustentadoras y evidencias de los cambios climáticos post-pleistocenos.",
Trabajos de Prehistoria, vol. 29, pp. 17-30, 1972 .
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"The Asturian of Cantabria: Subsistence and the Evidence for Post-Pleistocene Climatic Shifts.",
American Anthropologist, vol. 73, issue 5: American Antropological Association, pp. 1244-1257, 1971 .
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