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Huber, M., Pillinger, R. , Mitteilungen des Kuratoriums pro Teurnia zur Frühchristlichen Archäologie in Österreich, , vol. 3, Wien, pp. 26, 1991  .
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Cribb, S. , Nomads in Archaeology, , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991  .
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Robb, J., Mallegni, F., Ronco, D. , "New human remains from the southern italian neolithic: Ripa tetta and Latronico", Rivista di Antropologia, vol. LXIX, pp. 125-144, 1991  .
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Robb, J. , "Neolithic skeletal remains from the Grotta Scaloria: the 1979 excavation", Rivista Antropologica , vol. LXIX, pp. 11-124, 1991  .
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Bagolini, B., Ferrari, A., Pessina, A. , Nuovi dati sul Neolitico della Romagna., , Sarajevo, pp. 41-47, 1991  .
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Gleirscher, P., Innerhofer, M., Moser, H., Obex, A. , Neue Fundplätze und Funde der Steinzeit aus Südtirol., , vol. 10, pp. 519-529, 1991  .
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Bietti, A., Grimaldi, S. , "Patterns of reduction sequences at Grotta Breuil:statistical analyses and comparisons of archeological vs. experimental data.", Quaternaria Nova, vol. 1, no. NuovaSerie, pp. 379-406, 1991  .
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Ambert, P., Happ, J., Bourhis, J.R., Briard, J. , "Premiers Essais de métallurgie expérimentale a l'archéodrome de beaune a partir des minerais chalcolithiques de Cabrières (Hérault).", Bullettin de la Société Préhistorique Francaise, vol. 91, n. 6, pp. 429-434, 1991  .
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Bartolomei, G. , "Paleocologia e paleoambienti montani del versante destro della Valsugana durante l'Olocene antico in base ai reperti di micromammiferi della Grotta di Ernesto", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 27: Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, pp. 53-59, 1991  .
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Bradley, R. , "Rock art and the perception of landscape.", Cambr. Arch. Journ., vol. 1, pp. 77–101, 1991  .
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Vonbank, E., Ertel, C. [eds.], Römische Villa auf dem Steinbühel. Bregenz-Brigantium, , pp. 19, 1991  .
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Fossati, A., Jaffe, L., Simoes De Abreu, M. , "Scolpito nel tempo", Valcamonica Preistorica, vol. 3, Brescia, Cooperativa Archeologica "Le Orme dell'Uomo", 1991  .
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Brown, K. A. , "Settlement Distribution and Social Organisation in the Neolithic of the Tavoliere, Apulia", Fourth Conference of Italian Archaeology, vol. 1, London, pp. 9-25, 1991  .
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Barfield, L.H., Buteux, S. , The excavation of Rock Shelters at Monte Covolo, Villanuova sul Clisi, Brescia. First Interim Report,1990, , Birmingham, Birmingham University Field Archaeology Unit, 1991  .
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Biagi, P. , "The prehistory of the Early Atlantic period along the Ligurian and Adriatic Coasts of Northern Italy in a Mediterranean perspective.", Rivista di Archeologia, vol. XV : Giorgio Bretscheneider Editore, pp. 46-54, 1991  .
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Guilaine, J., Cremonesi, G., Bianco, S. , "Trasano (Matera): site du Néolitique et de l'Age de Bronze", MEFRA, vol. 1, 102: École Française de Rome, pp. 495-498, 1991  .
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Bagolini, B., Barfield, L.H. , "The European Context of Northern Italy during the Third Millenium.", Die Kupferzeit als historische Epoche. Symposium Saarbruecken und Otzenhausen, vol. 55, Bonn, pp. 287-300, 1991  .
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Bagolini, B., Barfield, L.H. , "The European Context of Northern Italy during the Third Millenium.", Die Kupferzeit als historische Epoche. Symposium Saarbruecken und Otzenhausen, vol. 55, Bonn, pp. 287-300, 1991  .
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Bagolini, B., Pedrotti, A. , Uomini di pietra - Le statue stele di Arco., , 1991  .
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Hansel, B., Medovic, P. , Vorbericht über die jugoslawisch-deutschen Ausgrabungen in der Siedlung von Feudvar bei Mosorin (Gem. Titel, Vojvodina) von 1986 - 1990. Bronzezeit - Vorromische Eisenzeit., , Mainz am Rhein, Verlag Philipp Von Zabern, 1991  .
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Broglio, A., Villabruna, A. , "Vita e morte di un cacciatore di 12.000 anni fa Risultati preliminari degli scavi nei ripari Villabruna ( Valle del Cismon - Val Rosna, Sovramonte, Belluno).", Conferenza tenuta in Odeo Olimpico il 24 Marzo 1991, 1991  .
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Broglio, A., Villabruna, A. , "Vita e morte di un cacciatore di 12.000 anni fa. Risultati preliminari degli scavi nei ripari Villabruna (Valle del Cismon- Val Rosna, Sovramonte, Belluno).", Conferenza tenuta in Odeo Olimpico il 24 Marzo 1991, Vicenza, Accademia Olimpic Vicenza, 1991  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "Wessex with and without Mycenae: new evidence from Switzerland", Antiquity, vol. 65, issue 246, pp. 102-107, 1991  .
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Ambert, P. [eds.], "Le Chalcolithique en Languedoc ses relations extra-regionales.", Colloque international, hommage au docteur Jean Arnal, Saint-Mathieu-de-Treviers, Federation archeologique de l'Herault, Conseil general de l'Herault, 20-22 septembre 1990.
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Bagolini, B., Carli, R., Ferrari, A., Messori, A., Pasquali, T., Pessina, A. , "Dos de la Forca. Paolo Orsi 1886. Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali. 1982-1988.", Ann. Mus. Civ. di Rovereto. Suppl. vol.6, pp. 195-200, 1990/1991  .
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