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Anati, E. , "Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici", Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, vol. 31-32, 1999  .
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Bintz, P. , L' Europe des derniers chasseurs. Epipaleolithique et Mesolithique. (Actes du 5° colloque international UISPP, Grenoble 1995)., , Paris, CTHS, pp. 669, 1999  .
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Fuchs, G., Einwögerer Tlinder, M., Baumung, J., Lohner, U. , "Oberflächenfunde von der kupferzeitlichen Höhensiedlung am Tesserriegel in der Steiermark", Fundberichte aus Österreich, vol. 38: Berger, Horn, AUTRICHE (1934), pp. 179-234, 1999  .
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Cunliffe, B. , Prehistoric Europe an illustrated History, , Oxford/New York, Oxford University Press, 1998  .
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Sass, S.L. , The Substance of Civilization. Materials and Human History from the Stone Age to the Age of Silicon, , 1998  .
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Cruz, A.R., Oosterbeek, L. , "Arkeos 1°Colòquio de Gestao do patrimònio Arqueològico perspectivas em dialogo", Arkeos prospectivas em dialogo, vol. 1: Istituto Politècnico de Tomar (laboratorio de Pre-Historia), 1997.
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Sperl, G. , "Montanhistorische Mitteilungen. Die Etrusker und Europa", Bulletin of the History of Medicine, vol. 142, issue 7, pp. 319-324, 1997  .
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Cavulli, F. , Celtic Europe. Does linguistic, archaeological, artistic and historical evidence correlate and allow a definition of "What is Celtic"?, , Birmingham, pp. 39295, 1996/1997  .
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Peretto, C. [eds.], " The sections of the XIII international congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric sciences Forlì (Italia) 8-14 September 1996", XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences Forlì -( Italia) 8-14 September 1996, vol. 1, Forlì, Abaco, pp. 562, 8/09/1996.
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AA.VV. , "Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Urgeschichte - Römerzeit - Frühmittelalter.", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 26-1: Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 1996.
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AA.VV. , "Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Urgeschichte - Römerzeit - Frühmittelalter.", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 26-2: Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 1996.
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Peretto Carlo, Milliken Sarah [eds.], "L'Adattamento umano all'ambiente Passato e presente ", Atti XI congresso degli antropologi italiani Isernia, 13-16 settembre 1995, vol. 2, Isernia, Associazione Antropologica Italiana , pp. 678, 13/09/1995.
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Barfield, L.H. [eds.], "Le asce in pietra levigata nel Neolitico d'Europa e d’Italia", Le vie della pietra verde: l'industria litica levigata nella preistoria dell'Italia settentrionale, Torino, 09/1996.
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Belardelli, C., Castelli, O., Guerreschi, A., Lenzi, F., Massi, M., Penza, R., Prati, L., Rosetti, C. [eds.], "Bollettino del XIII Congresso dell'Unione Internazionale delle Scienze Preistoriche e Protostoriche ", XIII Congresso dell'Unione Internazionale delle Scienze Preistoriche e Protostoriche, vol. 1, Forlì, A.B.A.C.O., 08/09/1996.
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Belardelli, C., Castelli, O., Cavallini, E., Fava, V., Fontana, F., Guerreschi, A., Lenzi, F., Massi, M., Milliken, S., Penza, R., Prati, L., Rafaiani, L., Rosetti, C., Verza, L. [eds.], "Bollettino del XIII Congresso dell'Unione Internazionale delle Scienze Preistoriche e Protostoriche N.5", XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 5, Forlì, pp. 128, 08/09/1996.
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Grifoni Cremonesi, R., Guilaine, J., L'Helgouac'h, J. , "The Neolithic in the Near East and Europe", XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 9, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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Bagolini, B., Lo Schiavo F. , "The Copper Age in the Near East and Europe", XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 10, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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Belardelli, C., Neugebauer, J-W., Novotná, M., Novotny, B., Pare, C., Peroni, R. , "The Bronze Age in Europe and in the Mediterranean", XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 11, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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Bietti Sestieri, A.M., Kruta, V. , "The Iron Age in Europe", XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 12, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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Afanas'ev, G., Cleuziou, S., Lukacs, J.R., Tosi, M. , "The Prehistory of Asia and Oceania", XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, vol. 16, Forlì, Abaco, 08/09/1996.
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Anati, E. , "Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici", Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, vol. 29, 1996  .
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Van Berg, P.-L., Cauwe, N. , Du Néolithique Ancien au Néolithique Récent en Europe Occidental: changement de geométrie., , Dijon, 1996  .
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Häusler, A. , "Invasionen aus den nordpontischen Steppen nach Mitteleuropa im Neolithikum und in der Bronzezeit: Realität oder Phantasieprodukt?", Archäologische Informationen , vol. 19, issue 1-2, pp. 75-88, 1996  .
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AA.VV. , "Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Urgeschichte - Römerzeit - Frühmittelalter.", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 25-1: Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 1995.
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AA.VV. , "Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt. Urgeschichte - Römerzeit - Frühmittelalter.", Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, vol. 25-3: Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, 1995.
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