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Barker, G. , "Economic archaeology, neolithic studies of agricolture: central Italy east of the Apennines.", Boll. Centro Camuno Studi Preistorici, vol. 13-14, 1976  .
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Barker, G. , "Morphological Change and neolithic Economies: an Example from central Italy.", Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 3, 1976  .
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Fugazzola Delpino, M.A., Pessina, A., Tiné, V. [eds.], "Atti della XXV Riunione Scientifica.", Civiltà Preistoriche e Protostoriche della Daunia, Foggia, Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Prostoria, 24/04/1973.
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Barker, G. , "Cultural and economic change in the Prehistory of central Italy.", Explanation of culture change: models in prehistory, London, Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd, 1973  .
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Muller-Karpe H. , Handbuch der Vorgeschichte - Jungsteinzeit, , vol. Band II: C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhabdlung, 1968  .
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Dreihaus, J. [eds.], Die Altheimar Gruppe und das Jungneolithikum in Mitteleuropa, , Mainz, 1960  .
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Finotti, A.M. , "Commento al foglio XII: i nomi locali del Trentino centrale", Atlante toponomastico della Venezia Tridentina, Firenze, Rinascimento del libro, 1953  .
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