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Jordan, F. , Storia dell'architettura occidentale, , vol. 2: Garzanti, 1973  .
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Rozoy, J.-G. , "The Franco-Belgian Epipaleolithic Current problEmils", The mesolithic Europe, Warszawa, University Press, pp. 503-530, 1973  .
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Chesterman, J.T. , "The preliminary report of human bones in Monte Covolo", Notiziario di preistoria e archeologia, vol. 11, pp. 21, 1973  .
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Muzijevuc, R.S., Mcpherson, A. , Geomagnetska ispitivanja na jednom neolitskom lokalitetu u Jugoslaviji Geomagnetic investigations at a neolithic site in Jugoslavia, , Beograd, 1972  .
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Courtin, J. , Quelques nouvelles datations du Néolithique provencal, , pp. pp. 118-120, 1972  .
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Thevenin, A., Sainty, J. , Une nouvelle stratigraphie du Post-Glaciaire: l' abri du Mannlefelsen I à Oberlarg (Haut-Rhin), , pp. 39269, 1972  .
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Courtin, J. , Vase néolithique ancien à anses superposées découvert à Ensuès près de Marseille (Bouches-du Rhone), , pp. pp. 533-537, 1972  .
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Newell, R.R., Vroomans, A.P.J. , Automatic artifact registration and systems for Archaeological analysis with the Philips P 1100 Computer: A Mesolithic Test-Case, : The Nederland, 1972  .
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Jarman, M.R., Wilkinson, P.F. , "Criteria of animal domestication", Papers in economic prehistory: Studies by members and associates of the British Academy major research project in the early history of agriculture, Cambridge, University Press - Cambridge, pp. 83-96, 1972  .
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Fandes, A., Hinout, J., Laplace, G., Martini, F., Sarti, L. , Cahiers de thypologie analytique., : Centre Palethn. Stratigr. Pyrenees Occid., 1972  .
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Fandes, A., Hinout, J., Laplace, G., Martini, F., Sarti, L. , Cahiers de typologie analytique., : Centre Palethn. Stratigr. Pyrenees Occid., 1972  .
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Fitz, J., Makkay, J. , Die ​aktuelle Fragen der Bandkeramik, , 1972  .
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Courtin, J., Gagnière, S., Granier, J., Ledoux, J.C., Onoratini, G. , "La Grotte du Cap Ragnon, Commune du Rove (Bouches-du-Rhone)", Bulletin de la Société d' Etude des Sciences Naturelles du Vaucluse 40-42 (1970-1972), vol. 30, Avignon, pp. 113-170, 1972  .
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Guilaine, J., Vaquer, J., Barrié, P. , "Las excavaciones en la "Balme" de Montbolò (Pirineos Orientales) Contribucion al estudio del Neolitico catalan", Diput. Prov. Barcelona, Monografias, vol. 38, Barcelona, Inst. Preéhist.-Arquelogia, pp. 153-207, 1972  .
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Roudil, J.-L. , "Les techniques décoratives de la céramique préhistorique du Languedoc oriental", Bull. Soc. Préhist. Franc. Etudes et Travaux, vol. 69, issue 1, pp. 430-443, 1972  .
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Arnal, J. , "L'abri-sous-roche de Saint-Etienne-de -Gourgas (Hérault). Etude préliminaire du Matériel.", Gallia Prehistoire, vol. 15, issue 2, pp. 261-322, 1972  .
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Thevenin, A., Sainty, J., Poulain-Josien, T. , "L' abri de Rochedane a Villars-sous-Dampjoux (Doubs) note préliminaire sur la stratigraphie", Revue Archaéologique de l' Est de la France, vol. 23, issue 1/2, pp. 44743, 1972  .
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Guilaine, J., Duday, H., Lavergne, J. [eds.], La nécropole mégalithique de la Clape (Laroque-de-Fa, Aude), , Carcassonne, Laboratoire de Prehistoire et de Palethnologie, 1972  .
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Pavuk, J. , "Neolithisches Graberfeld in Nitra.", Slovenska Archeologia, vol. XX, issue 1, 1972  .
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Pavuk, J. , "Neolitisches Gräberfeld in Nitra", Slovenska Archeologia, vol. XX, issue 1, pp. 5-105, 1972  .
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Müller, H.J. , "Pollenanalytische Untersuchungen zum Eisrückgang und zur Vegetationsgeschichte im Vorderrhein- und Lukmaniergebiet", Flora, vol. 161, pp. 333–382, 1972  .
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Pavuk, J. , "Zur Problematik der Graberfelder mit der Linienbandkeramik", Alba Regia, vol. 12, issue 1971, Szekesfehérvar, pp. 123-130, 1972  .
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Modrijan, W. [eds.], Aus der Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Steiermark, , 1971  .
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Mcpherron Srejovic, D. [eds.], Early farming culrures in central Serbia eastern Jugoslavia, : National Museum of Kragujevac, pp. 41640, 1971  .
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Mcpherron Srejovic, D. [eds.], Early farming cultures in central Serbia (eastern Jugoslavia), , 1971  .
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