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PublicationsFound 14040 results Filters: keyword is [Clear All Filters] 1977
"Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche",
Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche, vol. LVI: TEMI, pp. 282, 1977 .
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The Tie-Beam System in the Nave Arcade of St.Eirene: Structure and Dendrochronology,
, vol. n.18: Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut Abteilung Instanbul, pp. 229-240, 1977 .
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"The excavation of a mesolithic site at Gerrards Cross, Bucks.",
Records of Bucks, vol. 20, issue 3, pp. 308-336, 1977 .
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"Trois problèmes de la préhistoire corse",
Sautuola: Revista del Instituto de Prehistoria y Arqueología Sautuola, vol. 2, pp. 175-187, 1977 .
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"The prehistoric enclosure of Ekornavallen",
Svenska fornminnesplatser, vol. 52, Uddevalla, Risbergs Trkckeri AB, 1977 .
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"The Beaker Culture in Italy.",
British Archaeological Reports, Supplementary Series, vol. 26, 1977 .
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"The Beaker Culture in Italy.",
British Archaeological Reports, Supplementary Series, vol. 26, Oxford, 1977 .
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"The functions of paleolithic flint tools",
Scientific American, pp. 108-126, 1977 .
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"Toponimi stradali in possibile relazione con la viabilità romana tra Trento e Verona",
Studi Trent. di Scienze Storiche, vol. LVI, issue 1: Temi, pp. 3-16, 1977 .
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"The La Tène Culture of the Cisalpine Gauls",
Keltske Ŝtudije, pp. 23-50, 1977 .
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"The Mesolithic Cultures in Italy: New activities in connection with upper paleolithic cultural traditions.",
Congresso di Pozdam, 1977 .
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"Tecnica fusoria di una metallurgia artigianale",
Economia Trentina, pp. 91-108, 1977 .
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Témoignages des premièrs activités agricoles en Alsace.,
, pp. 175-186, 1977 .
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The Ecology of Pastoralism in Relation to Changing Patterns of Land Use in the Northeast Peloponnese,
: University of Pennsylvania, 1977 .
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"Urgeschichte des Oberpustertals.",
Archäologisch-historische Forschungen in Tirol, vol. 2, pp. 140, 1977 .
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Ur und Frühgeschichtilche Funde vom Trentino aus dem Tiroler, Landes Museum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck,
, 1977 .
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Untersuchungen zu den Bestattungssiten der ausgehenden Kupfer und frühen Bronzezeit. Grabbau, Bestattungsformen und Beigabensitten im Südlichen Mitteleuropa,
, pp. indice, 81-85, 119127, 147159 + tavole, 1977 .
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"Viaggio nel tempo. Evoluzione dell'uomo e preistoria (letture).",
Le Scienze. Scientific American, Brugherio (MI), Sagdos, 1977 .
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"Vhò, Campo Ceresole: scavi 1977.",
Preistoria Alpina, vol. 13 (1977), Trento, pp. 67-98, 1977 .
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"Zur frage einer Kupfer-Arsen-Zeit.",
Germania Anzeiger. Des römisch-germanischen kommission des Deutsches Archäologischen Instituts, vol. 55, Mainz, 1977 .
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