Found 7837 results 2006
Barfield, L.H. ,
"The Reconstruction of the Neolithic House at Rivoli Veronese",
Preistoria dell'Italia Settentrionale. Studi in ricordo di Bernardo Bagolini., Udine, pp. 187-191, 2006 .
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Crutchley, S. ,
"Using lidar in archaeological contexts: The English Heritage experience and lessons learned",
Laser scanner e GPS. Paesaggi archeologici e tecnologie digitali 1, All'Insegna del Giglio, Firenze, pp. 169-183, 2006 .
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Magnani, G., Bartolomei, P., Cavulli, F., Esposito, M., Marino, E.C., Neri, M., Rizzo, A., Scaruffi, S. ,
"U-series and radiocarbon dates in mollusc schells from the uppermost layer of the archaeological site of KHB-1 Ra's al Khabbah, Oman",
Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 34, pp. 749-755, 2006 .
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Scalfi, E. ,
"Voli all'indietro.",
Passato Presente. Contributi alla storia della Val del Chiese e della Giudicarie., vol. 49, issue 2: Il Chiese, 2006 .
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Poggiani Keller, R., Priuli, A., Freschi, C., Tizzoni, M., Fedele, F., Maretta, A. ,
"Valcamonica preistorica e romana",
Itinera. Visite didattiche alla Valle Camonica, vol. 5, Breno, Tipografia Camuna S.p.A, pp. 96, 2006 .
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Cremaschi, M., Pizzi, C., Valsecchi, V. ,
"Water management and land use in the terramare and a possible climatic co-factor in their abandonment: The case study of the terramara of Poviglio Santa Rosa (northern Italy)",
Quaternary Inernational, vol. 151: Elsevier Ltd and the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA). , pp. 87-98, 2006 .
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Krenn-Leeb, A., Grömer, K. ,
"Wirtshaft, Macht und Strategie - Höhensiedlungen und ihre Funktionen in der Ur- und FrühgeschichteEconomics, Power and Strategy - Hilltop Settlements and their Functions in the Pre- and Early History",
Archäologie Österreichs Spezial, vol. 1, Vienna, Archäologie Österreichs Spezial, pp. 258, 2006 .
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Baldoni, V. ,
"La ceramica attica di Marzabotto dagli scavi del XIX secolo.",
Dipartimento di Archeologia, Padova, Università degli Studi di Padova, pp. 341, 2005/2006 .
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Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi [eds.],
, vol. 14, pp. 305, 2005 .
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Annales De La Fondation Fyssen [eds.],
, vol. 20, pp. 162, 2005 .
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Grimaldi, S. ,
"Hunting, what ? Early Mesolithic backed points in north-eastern Italy",
International Conference “Prehistoric Technology 40 years later: functional studies and the Russian legacy", Weartraces, Verona, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, 2005 .
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