Found 4335 results 2003
Hedinger, B., Hochuli, S., Foppa, C., Raimann, P. ,
"Les pratiques funéraires de la fin de l'âge du Bronze final à Lausanne-Vidy (VD)",
Archäologie der Schweiz. Archäologie Suisse. Archeologia Svizzera, vol. 26, issue 1, Basel, pp. 48, 2003 .
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Biagi, P. ,
"New Data on the Early Neolithic of the Upper Adriatic Region",
Early Symbolic Systems for Communication in Southeast Europe, no. 1139, Oxford, pp. 337-346, 2003 .
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Sedlmeier, J., Frei, W., Hochuli-Gysel, A., David-Elbiali, M., Hüster Plogmann, H., Schibler, J., Betschart, M., Niffeler, U. ,
"Neue Erkenntnisse zum Neolithikum in der Nordwestschweiz",
Archäologie der Schweiz. Archäologie Suisse. Archeologia Svizzera , vol. 26, issue 4, Basel, 2003 .
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Angelini, I., Artioli, G., Bellintani, P., Polla, A. ,
"Protohistoric vitreous materials of Italy: from early faience to final bronze age glasses",
16e Congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre, Londra, pp. 32-36, 2003 .
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Cruse, J., Foster, P., Rainsbury, M., Thomas, R., Thomas, R. ,
"PAST. The newsletter of the Prehistoric society",
PAST, vol. 43, London, University College London, Institute of Archaeology, 2003 .
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Schindler, M.P. ,
"Siedlungskammer Wartau: Eine Kulturlandschaft entsteht",
Sankt-Galler Geschichte 2003, Band 1: Frühzeit bis Hochmittelalter, St.Gallen, pp. 157-172, 2003 .
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Mannino, M.A., Spiro, B.F., Thomas, K.D. ,
"Sampling shells for seasonality: oxygen isotope analysis on shell carbonates of the inter-tidal gastropod Monodonta lineata (da Costa) from populations across its modern range and from a Mesolithic site in southern Britain",
Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 30: Elsevier Science, pp. 667-679, 2003 .
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Tasser, E., Mader, M., Tappeiner, U. ,
"Short-time effects of land-use changes on O-horizon in subalpine grasslands ",
Basic and Applied Ecology , vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 271-280, 2003 .
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Bersani, M., Ciurletti, G., Pisu, N. ,
"Tassullo, S. Vigilio.",
Frühe Kirchen im östlichen Alpengebiet von der Spätantike bis in ottonische Zeit, vol. I, München, pp. 387-388, 2003 .
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Marinval, P. ,
"Torre Sabea et la première agriculture en Méditerranée centrale",
Torre Sabea: un établissement du Néolithique ancien en Salento, no. 315, Roma, École Française de Rome, pp. 316-324, 2003 .
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Egli, M., Mirabella, A., Sartori, G., Fitze, P. ,
"Weathering rates as a function of cilmate: results from a climosequence of the Val Genova (Trentino, Italian Alps)",
Geoderma, vol. 111, pp. 99-121, 2003 .
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De Paoli, S. ,
"Apprendimento e archeologia sperimentale",
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Lettere, Verona, Università degli studi di Verona, pp. 168, 2002/2003 .
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Pernich, E.M. ,
"Il sito neolitico di Aisone (CN) storia e recupero di una ricerca",
Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia Preistorica e Protostorica, Milano, Università degli Studi di Milano, pp. 160, 2002/2003 .
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