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Baker, A.R.H. , Fraternity among the French peasantry: sociability and voluntary associations in the Loire valley, 1815-1914., , Cambridge, University Press, 1999  .
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Baumeister, R., Behrends, R.H., Benner, M., Eckerle, K., Fleck, W., Görner, I., Hagendorn, A., Jensen, I., Kind, C.-J., Koch, U., Kösel, M., Kurz, M., Laier-Beifuss, K., Laun, R., Lenz-Bernhard, G., Ludwig, R., Maran, J., Pauli, J., Rabold, B. , "Heidelberg, Mannheim und der Rhein - Neckar - Raum", Fuhrer zu archaologischen Denkmalern in Deutschland, vol. 36, Stoccarda, Theiss, 1999  .
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Schlichtherle, H., Strobel, M. , "Hemmenhofener Skripte 1. Aktuelles zu Horgen,Cham,Goldberg III,Schnurkeramik in Suddeutschland. Rundgesprach Hemmerhofen 26. Juni 1998", Schriften der Arbeitsstelle Hemmenhofen des Landesdenkmalamtes Baden-Württemberg, vol. 1, Freiburg, Landesdenkmalamt Baden - Wurttemberg, 1999  .
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Folgheraiter, A. , I sentieri dell’infinito. Storia dei santuari del Trentino-Alto Adige, , Trento, 1999  .
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Angelucci, D.E., Boschian, G. , "Invito alla micromorfologia.", Archeologia Viva, vol. 76, no. luglio/agosto, pp. 7, 1999  .
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Voltelini, H. , Le circoscrizioni giudiziarie del Trentino fino al 1803, , 1999  .
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Voltelini,H. , Le circoscrizioni giudiziarie del Trentino fino al 1803, , Trento, Provincia Autonoma di Trento. Servizio Beni librari e archivistici, 1999  .
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Thirault, E. [eds.], La Bégude - de - Mazenc quartier Gros - Jean (Drome) : un dépot de longues lames de hache polies, , vol. 2, pp. 297 - 313, 1999  .
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Moe, D., Hjelle, K.L. , "Mesolithic man’s adaption to changing alpine/subalpine vegetation in the Central and Eastern Alps", Prehistoric alpine environment, society, and economy. Papers of the int. coll. PAESE ’97 in Zurich, Bonn, pp. 207–214, 1999  .
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Moe, D., Hjelle, K.L. , "Mesolithic human adaption to changing alpine/subalpine vegetation in the Central and Eastern Alps, based on a vegetational historical study from Val Febbraro, Spluga Valley (Italy)", Ambiente, società ed economia preistorica nelle Alpi.Papers of the int. coll. PAESE ’97 in Zurich, 1999  .
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Skeates, R., Whitehouse, R. , "New radiocarbon dates for Prehistoric Italy 3 ", The Accordia Research Papers, vol. 7, pp. 149-162, 1999  .
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Barfield, L.H. , Neolithic and Copper Age Flint Exploitation in Northern Italy, , Zurich, pp. 245-252, 1999  .
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Fuchs, G., Einwögerer Tlinder, M., Baumung, J., Lohner, U. , "Oberflächenfunde von der kupferzeitlichen Höhensiedlung am Tesserriegel in der Steiermark", Fundberichte aus Österreich, vol. 38: Berger, Horn, AUTRICHE (1934), pp. 179-234, 1999  .
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Chelidonio, G. , "Osservazioni e note preliminari su una serie litotecnica da Brusaporto, Fontanelli (BG)", Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi, vol. 7: Civico Museo Archeologico di Bergamo, pp. 7-22, 1999  .
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Kokelj, E., Cucchi, F., Guidi, P., Arias, C., Boschian, G. , "Progetto Grotte: un approccio interdisciplinare.", Atti dell'VIII Convegno Regionale di Speleologia del Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Località Cave di Selz (Ronchi dei Legionari - GO), pp. 229-232, 1999  .
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Bernabò Brea, M., Castagna, D., Occhi, S., Salzani, L., Drusini, A.G., Carrara, N., Jankovitz, K., Biondani, F., Cupitò, M., Leonardi, G., Camerin, N., Tamassia, K., Bolognesi, B., Mosca, F., Puppo, P., Guidi, A. , "Padusa. Bollettino del Centro Polesano di studi storici, archeologici e etnografici", Padusa, vol. anno XXXIV/XXXV, rovigo, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, pp. 1-337, 1999  .
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Bianchin Citton, E., Capuis, L., Tirelli, M., Zaccaria Ruggiu, A.P. , "Quaderni di archeologia del Veneto", Quaderni di archeologia del Veneto, vol. XV, Verona, Giunta regionale del Veneto, 1999  .
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Müller, J., Becker, C., Bruchhaus, H., Kaiser, E., Neubert, A., Pichler, S., Zabel, M. , "Radiokarbonchronologie -Keramiktechnologie-Osteologie-Anthropologie-Raumanalysen", Beiträge zum Neolithikum und zur Frühbronzezeit im Mittelelbe-Saale-Gebiet, vol. 1: Römisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, pp. 209, 1999  .
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Schucany, C. , "Römische Keramik in der Schweiz", Antiqua 31, Basel, 1999  .
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Leighton, R. , Sicily Before History, , New York, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 1999  .
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Greenfield, H.J. , "The advent of trashumant pastoralism in the temperate southeast Europe: a zooarchaeological perspective from the Central Balkans", Transhumant pastoralism in Southern Europe. Recent Perspectives from Archaeology, pp. 15-36, 1999  .
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Barfield, L.H. , "The Moser collection in the Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna", Atti Soc. Preist. Protost., Friulia-V.G. 1997-1998, vol. XI, pp. 19-62, 1999  .
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Harris, D.R. , "Archaeology International", Archaeology International, vol. 2, London, University College London, Institute of Archaeology, pp. 64, 1998/1999  .
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Lochner, M. , "Ein Schmuckdepot der Urnenfelderzeit aus Thunau am Kamp, Niederösterreich", Archaeologia Austriaca, vol. 82-83, Wien, pp. 181-186, 1998/1999  .
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Wolf, C., Hurni, J.P. , "Neues zur Architektur des west-schweizerschen Endeneolithikums: erste Auswertungsergebnisse der Befunde in den Seeufersiedlungen von Concise-sous-Colachoz (VD) am Neuenburgersee", Plattform, Zeitschr des Vereins für Pfahlbau und Heimatkunde e. v., vol. 7/8, pp. 107-118, 1998/1999  .
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