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Sarnowska, W. , "Le probleme du commerce et de la production dans la premiere periode de l'age du Bronze en Pologne", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 10: Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali, pp. 137-142, 1974  .
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Taute, W. , "Neolitische Mikrolithen und andere Neolithische Silexartefakte aus Suddeutschland und Osterreich", Archaeologische Informationen (1973-1974), vol. 2-3, pp. 71-125, 1974  .
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Hensel, W. , "Ur- und Frühgeschichte Polens", Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts für Alte Geschichte und Archäologie der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, vol. 2, Berlin, Akademie- Verlag, pp. 64-75, 1974  .
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Hawkes, C. , "Zur Stellung und Zeitstellung der Wessexkultur Südenglands", Preistoria Alpina, vol. 10: Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali, 1974  .
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Spindler, K., De Castello Branco, A., Zbyszewski, G., Da Veiga Ferreira, O. , "Le monument à coupole de l'age du bronze final de la Roca do Casal do Meio (Calhariz)", COMUNICACOES DOS SERVICOS GEOLOGICOS DE PORTUGAL , vol. LVII, Lisboa, Ministério da Economia, pp. 91-153, 1973/1974  .
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Taute, W. , "Neolithische Mikrolithen und andere neolithische Silexartefakte aus Suddeutschland und Österreich", undefined, vol. 02-3, pp. 71-125, 1973/1974  .
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Taute, W. , "Neolitische Mikrolithen und andere neolitische Silexartefakte aus Suddeutschland und Osterreich.", Archaologische Informationen, vol. 02-mar, pp. 72-125, 1973/1974  .
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Bagniewski, Z. , Das Mesolithikum in Niederschlesien, , Warszawa, University Press, pp. 23-52, 1973  .
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Kozlowski, S.K. , Introduction to the History of Europe in Early Holocene, , Warszawa, University Press, pp. 331-366, 1973  .
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Modrijan, W. [eds.], kulturelle und chronologische Einordnung des Neo- und Äneolithikums in der Steiermark, , 1973  .
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Kozlowski, J.K. , The problEmil of the so-called danubian Mesolithic, , Warszawa, University Press, pp. 315-330, 1973  .
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Newell, R.R. , The post-glacial adaptations of the indigenous population of the Northwest european Plain, , Warszawa, University Press, pp. 399-440, 1973  .
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Newell, R.R. , The post-glacial adaptations of the indigenous population of the Northwest european Plain, , Warszawa, University Press, pp. 399-440, 1973  .
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Wyss, R. , Zum ProblEmilkreis des schweizerischen Mesolithikums, , Warszawa, University Press, pp. 613-649, 1973  .
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Holloway Ross, R., Corrain, C., Capitanio, M. [eds.], Buccino. The eneolithic necropolis of S. Antonio and other prehistoric discoveries made in 1968 and 1969 by Brown University, by R. Ross Holloway. With A study of human remains from the necropolis, by Cleto Corrain and Mariantonia Capitanio, , Roma, De Luca Editore, pp. 9-118, 1973  .
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Bray, W., Trump, D.H. , Dizionario di archeologia. Uno strumento indispensabile al dilettante e allo specialista per conoscere le civiltà antiche., , Milano, Oscar Studio Mondadori, 1973  .
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Burow, G.M. , "Die Mesolithischen Kulturen im aussersten europaischen Nordosten.", The mesolithic Europe, Warszawa, University Press, pp. 129-156, 1973  .
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Modrijan, W. [eds.], Die Wiederaufnahme der Ausgrabungen im Sulmtal, , vol. 14: Schild von Steier, Kleine Schriften , 1973  .
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Karwiese, S. , "Lavant das jenfeitige Aguntum", Östirroler Heimatblätter, vol. 7-10, Lienz, Östtiroler bote, 1973  .
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De Lanfranchi, F., Weiss, M.C. [eds.], La civilisation des Corses. Les origines., , Ajaccio, Ed. Cyrnos et Mediterranée, pp. pp.182, ill., 1973  .
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Graziosi, P., Rittatore Vonwiller, F., Cagiano de Azevedo, M., Soffredi, A., Rosi, M., Messeri, P., Benassi Graffi, E., Facchini, F., Milanesi, Q., Cremonesi, G., Parenti, R., Romano, S., Benassi Graffi, E., Facchini, F., Milanesi, Q., Cremonesi, G. [eds.], Atti della XIV Riunione Scientifica, , Puglia, Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, 13-16 Ottobre 1970.
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Newell, R.R., Vroomans, A.P.J. , Automatic artifact registration and systems for Archaeological analysis with the Philips P 1100 Computer: A Mesolithic Test-Case, : The Nederland, 1972  .
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Graziosi, P., Rittatore Vonwiller, F., Cagiano de Azevedo, M., Soffredi, A., Rosi, M., Messeri, P., Benassi Graffi, E., Facchini, F., Milanesi, Q., Cremonesi, G., Borgognini Tarli, S.M., Bianchini, G., Gambassini, P., Voza, G., Minellono, F., Fusco, V. [eds.], Atti della XIV Riunione IIPP Puglia 13-16 Ottobre 1970, , Firenze, Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, pp. 1-339, 1972  .
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Jarman, M.R., Wilkinson, P.F. , "Criteria of animal domestication", Papers in economic prehistory: Studies by members and associates of the British Academy major research project in the early history of agriculture, Cambridge, University Press - Cambridge, pp. 83-96, 1972  .
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Pasa, A., Corrain, C., Bertolone, M., Broglio, A., Fusco, V., Rittatore Vonwiller, F., Soffredi De Camilli, A. , Introduzione allo studio della Preistoria, , Milano, Cisalpino - Goliardica, 1972  .
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