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Tomasi, G., Benvenuti, S. , Storia di Cembra, , Trento, 1994  .
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Tabarelli, G.M. , Strade romane nel Trentino e nell’Alto Adige, , 1994  .
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Niklaus, T.R. , Seminar Über RADIOCARBON DATIERUNG 17-19 ottobre 1994, , Innsbruck, 1994  .
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Perini, R. , "Scavi archeologici nella zona palafitticola di Fiavè-Carera. Parte III. Campagne 1969-1976.", Resti della cultura materiale. Ceramica, vol. 1, pp. 9-36, 1994  .
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AA.VV. , "Sachkatalog Zeitschriftenverzeichnis nach Abkürzungen", Germania, vol. 72, pp. XIII-LIX, 1994  .
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Baudais, D. , "Sion VS, chantier La Gillière 2.", Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, vol. 77, pp. 167, 1994  .
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Tirabassi, J. , "Sant'Ilario - Loghetto. Un lembo di paleosuolo con strutture neolitiche", Quaderni del Museo Archeologico Etnologico di Modena, pp. 37-42, 1994  .
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Fasani, L., Biagi, P., D'Amico, C., Starnini, E., Voytek, B.A. , "Stazione litica a Valer (Azzano Decimo, Pordenone): rapporto preliminare degli scavi 1990-91", Quaderni della Società per la Preistoria e la Protostoria della Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, vol. 8, pp. 97-113, 1994  .
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Guilaine, J., Settis, S. [eds.], Storia d'Europa, 2 Preistoria e Antichità, , vol. 1, Torino, Einaudi, 1994  .
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Guilaine, J., Settis, S. [eds.], Storia d'Europa, 2 Preistoria e Antichità, , vol. 2, Torino, Einaudi, 1994  .
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Nadler Zeeb, A. [eds.], Sudbayern zwischen Linearkeramik und Altheim:ein neuer Gliederungsvorschlag, , Wilkau-Hasslau, Beier & Beran, Archaologische Fachliteratur, pp. 127-190, 1994  .
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Rossi, G. [eds.], Sardegna. Civiltà di un'isola mediterranea., , Genova, Nuova Alfa Editoriale, pp. 88, 1994  .
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Zipperle, A. , "Transumanza: Weideplätze wechseln", Transumanza, Bozen, pp. 103, 1994  .
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Finsterwalder, K. , Tiroler Familiennamenkunde: Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte von Personen-, Familien-, und Hofnamen: mit einem Namenlexikon, , 2, Innsbruck, Universitätsverlag Wagner, 1994  .
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Spindler, K. , The man in the ice, the amazing inside story of the 5000-year-old body found trapped in a glacier in the Alps., , 1994  .
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Oeggl, K. , "The palynological record of human impact on highland zone ecosystems", Highland zone exploitation in southern Europe, pp. 112-121, 1994  .
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Macphail, R.I., Hather, J., Hillson, S., Maggi, R. , "The upper pleistocene deposits at Arene Candide: soil micromorphology of some samples from the Cardini 1940-42 excavation", Quaternaria Nova, vol. IV, pp. 79-100, 1994  .
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Maggi, R., Campana, N., Negrino, F., Ottomano, C. , "The quarrying and workshop site of Valle Lagorara (Liguria - Italy)", The Journal of the Accordia Research Centre, vol. 5: Accordia Research Centre - University of London, pp. 73-96, 1994  .
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Prinoth-Fornwagner, R., Niklaus, T.R. , "The man in the ice: result from radiocarbon dating", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, vol. 92, Amsterdam, Elsevier, pp. 282-290, 1994  .
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Rohl, B.M., Northover, J.P. , "The metalwork from Flag Fen", The Journal of the Historical Metallurgy Society, vol. 28, issue 2, pp. 103-111, 1994  .
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Guilaine, J. , "Trasano (Matera): site du Néolitique et de l'Age de Bronze", MEFRA, vol. 1, 106: École Française de Rome, pp. 480-484, 1994  .
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Angelucci, D.E., Peresani, M. , "The open-air sites of Val Lastari and Malga Lissandri (Venetian Pre-Alps, Northern Italy): preliminary results on spatial analysis and the study of postdepositional processes.", Atti del Workshop "Scienze e Archeologia", Savona, pp. 47-55, 1994  .
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Bánffy, E. , "Transdanubia and Eastern Hungary in the Early Copper Age.", Jósa András Museum JAM, 1994  .
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Levi Strauss, C. [eds.], Tristi tropici, , Milano, Il Saggiatore economici, 1994  .
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Bernabò Brea, M., Cattani, M., Farello, P. , "Una struttura insediativa del Neolitico superiore a S. Andrea di Travo (PC)", Quaderni del Museo Archeologico Etnologico di Modena, vol. 1, Modena, pp. 55-87, 1994  .
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