Found 103 results 2003
Chadwick, A., Pollard, J., Peterson, R., Hamilton, M., Wickstead, H., Cummings, V., Fowler, C., Muñoz, S., Roberts, J., Cruse, J., Germany, M., Holtorf, C. ,
"PAST. The newsletter of the Prehistoric society",
PAST, vol. 44, London, University College London, Institute of Archaeology, 07/2003.
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Cruse, J., Foster, P., Rainsbury, M., Thomas, R., Thomas, R. ,
"PAST. The newsletter of the Prehistoric society",
PAST, vol. 43, London, University College London, Institute of Archaeology, 2003 .
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Forni, G. ,
"Le radici della transumanza nell'ambito alpino centro-occidentale",
Pastorizia, transumanza e segni dell'uomo tra le Alpi e il Bacino Mediterraneo, Mondovì, pp. 9-34, 2002 .
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Tusa, S. [eds.],
"Preistoria. Dalle coste della Sicilia alle Isole Flegree. Saggi",
Preistoria. Dalle coste della Sicilia alle Isole Flegree, vol. II, Palermo, Arnaldo Lombardi, pp. 689, 05/05/2001.
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Boschian, G. ,
"New data on the pastoral use of caves in Italy",
Atti Società Preistoria Protostoria Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, vol. 8, Trieste, pp. 63-72, 2000 .
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Boschian, G. ,
"New Data on the Pastoral Use of Caves in ltaly",
Quaderni della Società per la Preistoria e la Protostoria della Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, vol. 3, pp. 63-72, 2000 .
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Pitts, M., Clay, P., Lawson, A.J., Demouche, F., Slimak, L., Deflandre, D., Thomas, R., Barrett, J., Watson, B., Gardiner, J. ,
"PAST. The newsletter of the Prehistoric society",
PAST, vol. 32, London, University College London, Institute of Archaeology, 07/1999.
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Endrizzi, L. ,
"Perle in pasta vitrea",
Ori delle Alpi, Trento, pp. 509, 1997.
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